Chapter 7

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"Fiona sweetie, time to get up!" i heard my mum said and i groaned "why?" i groaned and she laughed a bit "its christmas day!" she said and i looked at her and smiled "Christmas!" i said and she laughed a bit and i got up and froze and i turned to her "im off for a run!" i said and she looked at me "what?" i said and she laughed  a bit "okay sweetie!" she said and left.

I got changed into a blue running top and black trackies and my trainers and i walked downstairs and got some toast. I walked by the tree and i thought i heard a bark, i looked around and shook my head"i think im going crazy!" i said and my parents laughed and i got my trainers on and put my ipod on.

I went outside and saw Alex about to leave her place and she was wearing her trackies ad i turned to her "thought i said no trackies, whats this?" i asked with my arms crossed over my chest, she turned to me and laughed a bit "im going for a run!" she said and Grace poped her head out from the door "and she's disowned by my sister for doing so!" she said to me and laughed "well im going for a run, so i gues were both crazy!" i said and she sighed and went back in the house.

Alex and i set of but she was behind me and i had my ipod in. Whe i got into the town i went down the rocky road by the store and a small bit down i saw Tom driving his tractor and he stoped to talk to me "fields two and three hen!" he said and i nodded and carried on.

There was a old road, well maybe not a road everyone used, it was more a farm road and i ran along it and through any empty fields. I was passing the horses and saw Brutus, he ran over to me and ran along side me and i smiled and took my earphones out "ready?" i asked and he made that horse noise they all seem to make and i laughed a bit.

I turned to him and ran along facing him but i put one foot crossed over in front then bhind and he did the same "yay!" i cheered and he turned and ran and i did the same, the field fence came and i waved by to him and he bowed his head and i ran on listening to my music.

I saw a big tree ahead and one of its branches were hanging low when i got near it i caught on it and jumped it hanging like a monkey and went back to running. I saw field two and i jumped the fence and did a forward flip in the air and landed it and ran on through the field.

Field two and three were conected and i jumped the fence on to three and ran across it and through the trees back into town where it was dead. You would see the odd car drive by you but not as many as normal. I started back up the hill and Alex was infront of me.

I sprinted up to her and nudged her slightly and she turned to me and i ran backwards and she laughed a bit "full of tricks!" she said as i took my earphones out "well of course, must keep you entertained!" i said and wiggled my eyebrows and she laughed a bit and we made it to the top.

I walked to my house but before i went in i shouted over to Alex "no trackies,trainers or running shoes, i will make you laugh!" i warned and she laughed "i'll see!" she said and i smiled and went in "there you are!" my mum said and brought me over into the living room and i sat with a thud

"sorry im late, didnt think i would run as long!" i said and my dad laughed a bit "its fine but i want these preseants opened, yours not mine i mean!" he said eyeing them up and mum shook her head and i laughed "okay then!" mum said and gave me a big box. The lid had green sparkly wrapping while the body had purple wrapping.

"open this first, when you open it dont scream!" she said and i nodded and took the lid of and i melted "awwwww!" i said. There was a white puppy labrador with a green collar sitting there wagging its tail and looking at me.

I picked it up and he licked my face and i laughed a bit "aww, im presuming its a he with the collar!" i said and my mum nodded "you get to name him aswell!" my dad said and i looked at him "i want to call him Andrex cos of the adverts!" i said and they laughed a bit and i nodded "yeh im calling you Andrex!" i said and he barked a bit and wagged his tail.

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