Chapter 16

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I woke up, well if you could call it that. I could hear but not see and speak or even move. By the sounds of things i was in hospital back in Scotland and my family were in the room with me and a doctor was telling them something "she has been in a severe coma for almost a month now Mr and Mrs Hill im sorry but we have to!" the man said.

A month, i have been out in a coma for a month, my god! "please you cant switch it of!" i heard Alex say, her voice was cracky and you could tell she was upset but what were they gonna switch of. "im sorry but she has shown no signs of respose to treatment and isnt breathing on her own, we have to switch the life support of!" he said.

Life support, oh fuck if he switches it of then lights out. Okay i need to make it known im awake-ish. I tried moving things such as my fingers and legs but by there reactions i dont think it was working. I tried to open my eyelids but it was like trying to use the force.

Im awake, dont switch it off! i tried to get my mouth to say but nothing came out, my lips didnt even mve, great.. I heard a door open and my mum burst into tears, who came in. There were footsteps and they were getting closer to my left side.

There was a growl and the footsteps stoped and i realised Andrex was here "Andrex let the woman do her job!" my mum said through sobs. Okay so im presuming she's the nurse about to give me my last breath.

She must have tried again as Andrex growled again "okay would someone get the dog out of here please?" the doctor said in fustrarion, so hating him right now!

Andrex started to bark uncontrolably and my mum was shouting at the doctor and my dad was trying to calm Andrex down. I was starting to feel things in my body.

I could feel my legs and the feeling slowly worked up to me feeling i had a small tube in my mouth. "guys look!" i heard Charlie say, was he here to maybe Cara was alwell.

It grew quiet slowly until there was just silenc e"cant you see Andrex is trying to tell you something!" he said and Andrex barked "what could he know?" the doctoer said with disbelief and spite, i swear to god i will kill him.

"a dog can know alot!" my mum said in defence "look, Andrex the floor is yours tell us!" Charlie said and i felt Andrex jump on my tummy "get him of my patient!" the doctor said and Andrex growled. He preodded around my body and i felt him lick my head. He lay on my stomach and whinned, he normally did this if i was upset or he was and i'd stoke his head. He waited before he got up again. He nosed my head, he did this when i was late for school or had to get up early.

As i didnt do anything he whinned. H ewalked over me and licked my left hand and nosed my hand, he only didn this if he was worried or upset also if he needed a hug and i wasnt noticing it. He had done it so often i had subcontiously moved my hand so when i heard gasps and the feeling of ruff fur i presumed i might be movig.

Andrex suddenly jumped up and licked my face and jumped all over me. I heard my mum crying and i began to see some light. I finally got to see and i saw a check celling with black and white small squares then a man with curly brown hair blocked my view.

"Fiona can you hear me?" he asked and i nodded "yes i can hear you!" i said and he flashed a light in my eyes "have you got any pain?" he asked and i shook my head "not a singly nip!" i said and he nodded "do you know where you are?" he asked and i nodded,

"yeh im in hospital in Scotland i presume?" i asked and he nodded "yes, Glasgow!" he said and i nodded "can you fell this?" i he asked afew times and touched my legs, arms and feet, i nodded at everyone of the areas.

H etook the life support of as i was breathing on my own now and i was able to sit up-ish. I looked at all my family who were in shock. I was right, Charlie and Cara were here and so was Gilian and Alex and mum and dad.

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