Hormones (Part Two)

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Miseries face

A soft choking sound bubbles up from Paley's throat as he desperately tries to swallow down the noise. Shamus's hand on his leg, my hand on his shoulder.

"I know of something that can help you. It will subdue your want, your need and make you not able to function properly for a few days. I might have used it on Keegan at times." Shamus's haunting grey eyes are looking horrified, but Paley regards me as if I have just answered his Moon's prayer.

"Can you give it to me now?" His hand is grabbing onto mine, squeezing as I interpret it as a thank you.

"It's with Lana in her cabin. I'll get you some in the morning for you." Paley's eyes squeeze shut, while his body visibly unravels his coiled up tension.

"Paley, you can't take it every day, it can only be taken twice a week at the most. You run the risk of sterilizing yourself if taken over an extended period of time, understand?"

"I get it." His words spoken solemnly but underneath that depth of understanding is a little skepticism. As if maybe I might be wrong in what I say.

"Paley, I mean it, you can't take it more often than two times a week. It can be dangerous for you." Saying words that leave no room for any doubt, they fall hard and pointedly off my tongue. While burning my vision into his, he only turns his head away. Watching those eyes dilate, nose flaring while he pulls a smell inside. I can see fine body tremors consume his skin, finger balling the sheets into a fist as if he's trying to hold himself down on the bed.

"Charlie." Turning my head towards Aunt Sophie's voice, she's standing in the doorway with Keegan's mate.

There is no disguising the curiosity in her eyes. This is no casual glance she's giving him; her eyesight has no willpower, they touch every part of his face, smoothing down the length of him, to rest back on his face. Her breathing has increased, while a blooming flush consumes her cheeks and neck.

Paley's regarding her with his language of curiosity. Nose is flaring, eyes dilating a small sigh coming from his mouth makes Shamus pinch his leg hard enough to make him wince momentarily.  Trying to rise from his bed, Paley's body is useless for any real movement. Without timidness or shyness Paley eyes this female up as if she was his own.

"Do you mind if Kalla stays with you for the night?" Aunt Sophie is giving me a look that says I better say yes.

Paley's lips are mouthing her name silently in the air a few times, as if he's trying to commit the name to memory, I have a feeling he will never forget that name.

"Of course it will be alright. Pleased to meet you, Kalla." Her eyes still not leaving Paley's, I'm not sure she heard me speak.

When looking between the two of them, it's as if a silent moment is happening, no words uttered but something is whispering between the two of them that can't be detected by anyone else. Paley is the first to pull his eyes away from her, to turn his head in the other direction, looking at the barren wall.

"Kalla, here let me help you with your stuff." Only when stepping into her line of sight and my voice rises upwards to the ceiling does her vision come in contact with mine. A squeak of sound escaping out of her throat as if realizing for the first time someone is standing in front of her. Reaching for her bags, taking some in my hands, she doesn't let go of the weight right away, but I insist on helping with the baggage she has to carry.

"Kalla we expect you to stay in Charlie's room all night, understand." Aunt Sophie is giving her a hard stare. "Paley, you're to stay in your room, Keegan realizes that he's staying with your father and me tonight. Shamus, would you mind sleeping in Keegan's bed tonight and keep an eye on Paley for us?" Both Shamus and Paley nods in yet Paley's eyes once again strays towards Kalla's body, running down the length of her, until falling on her face with another whisper of her name that holds none of his sounds.

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