Going Home (Part Two)

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No one moves...

Hearts are racing, lungs cease to expand chests.

Everyone steps away from the radius Odin is commanding. The males all bow their heads with a shifting angle to their necks exposing the soft flesh of their throats.

Apologies made from all without any infraction ever being done.

Domination of atmosphere is felt by the way Odin is controlling everyone to root down in their places. When I take a step towards Odin easily, he is surprised but then lifts that lip into the way I've come to understand is his smile. When that happens, the surroundings take a collective breath out.

Two of his strides close our gap, a nudge of his cheek on mine.

An inhaled breath from him, an exhaled longer breath from me.

Hot blood rushes to my face...

Fine motor tremors are felt through the fabric of Odin's shirt. Taking my hand, he brings my wrist to his lips - the bounding pulse explodes as skin touches skin. His other finger strokes the hollow of my throat, his breath hitting my body, his eyes trailing over the length of me.

I burn from within with the way his eyesight devours into the layering of me.

Odin says nothing as he leads me away from all the wolves, but the internal dialect of him walking vibrates the surrounding air to shake the very structure of these wolves.

When going outside a shuffling is happening. Shamus and Ryeson via for the position on Odin's left. The savagery that rushes up and out of Ryeson's throat has Shamus almost step back.

A standoff of epic proportion, before Odin gets into the face of Shamus which has him take that step backward.

"You aren't ready for that fight, yet," Odin speaks to Shamus with hardened words, but Shamus I can see in his eyes believes he is ready for that fight right now. He tries to stand taller than his maturity allows. He still has a few years to obtain his full height. There is just an edge to the first note of a growl from Odin's chest that makes Shamus back down instantly before Odin has to even complete the full sound.

"Ryeson, enough. We are guests, Charlie doesn't want to see fighting between family." Odin's words calm the ridge fur of Ryeson down enough that he's able to put the protruding canines away from Shamus's challenge to where Ryeson believes he should stand.

With the two males subdued Odin leads the way to the house when going through the door, a feast of epic proportion hits our noses.

From vine to the plate, my father's stable Oak table holds the bounty from all over the territory. Ryeson looks at all the dishes that are steaming hot still being set down on the surface.

Aunt Meela's sad eyes that greet mine before she embraces me cheek to cheek.

"Charlie," the words come out soft, like the way her body feels against me.

"Aunt Meela," kissing her, "I'm sorry about Bryon." After my words are said she just places her hand on my cheek and nods her head, "so am I."




Trembles from the body of Aunt Meela who tries so hard not to break down. Her eyes hold a shine, but they do not let one tear out - a hard swallow to her throat strangles on the fluid.

"Luna," Odin places his hands behind his back, only to nod in her direction not as low as for my mother, but it is a sign he regards her with respect.

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