Summer Grounds

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@Pinkforest1 this is an amazing book trailer, hope everyone watches it's awesome. Thank you so much for this.

Burdened down.

Each foot is slowly placed in front of the other. Heads bowed down concentrating on foot placement on the uneven ground. Four days of trecking through lands that cannot accommodate motorized vehicles. Traversing rapids, only holding onto a thick rope that was tied by Odin at one end to the other. 

Odin is the first one into the water,  without the safety of any rope. Picking the crossing himself without guidance from his father. When he did find the perfect spot, his father very quickly had a smile pass his lips. Luna Bessa put her hand on Alpha Borson's shoulder before getting herself ready to cross the river with her heavy pack.

Odin making the crossing multiple times, he helped his sister first. She had one hand on the rope, and one hand gripped tight to Odin's shirt. Odin had Warson on his back, secured with a rope. When they were on the other side, Odin went and got several other pups, to little to make the crossing on foot. The ones that were old enough struggled no to let go of the rope. A special device was secured to their wrists and the rope so if they let go, they were still tethered to the rope. All juveniles, adults, and Elders were without a safety harness. 

Luki and Bryon had their rucksacks almost as full as Odin's and Alpha Borson's they struggled with the effort of carrying it, just like everyone else in the pack. Even the pups who could walk were made to carry something inside their tiny backpacks. 

Everyone is responsible for something no matter how old you are.

When it was my turn to cross, Odin grabbed my hand, squeezing it against the rope, "don't let go." The weight of my pack was making the effort of crossing dangerous. The smooth rock surfaces slippery and twice I almost fell, the rope acted as a steadying device and balance.

I could feel Odin's eyes on me, the entire way. It took two hours to have everyone cross. A relief settled in after the last Elder was standing on the other side.  I later learned that was the last and most dangerous one to cross. Odin leading the way with his sister holding onto the back of his shirt. Warson walking for as long as he could, when he got tired, Odin had a special place for him on his rucksack. The pup could rest his head on Odin's shoulder falling asleep under the sway of a body. 

That moment of them walking will burn into my memory, a sweet beautiful vision.

Elska struggling throughout the journey to stay standing upright, a toe tip feeling the ground before the pad of her foot crinkled new grass down. I know Odin could walk faster, but he's created a pace that his sister can keep up with. I think the Elders appreciate the pace as well, along with the very heavily pregnant females who walk with a stick to support their weight. 

Ryeson's heavy burdened down with things that the Elders discarded on the way, trying to lighten their load. 

I've noticed most juvenile males and females doubling back and picking up things discarded because they were too heavy to carry in. 

A brushing heat heavy on my cheek is always felt throughout the journey. Odin has a way of always knowing exactly where I am. 

Everyone's legs are aching with each slow step forward until we stand on a ridge overlooking a basin of prairie grass, this is the furthest south the Far North territory goes. A high mountain pass separating the North and Far North. I always wondered what was over the mountains, now I know. 

Odin comes to stand beside me, his bare arm presses against mine. 

Skin to skin

"See the ridgeline of mountains over there?" He points straight ahead and I have to stretch the sight of my eyes to make them out in the light of the high afternoon sun. 

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