Moon, Nature, Night.

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Tinkling chimes.

Many balls of silver hitting walls of steel. Laced metallic melody is fluid when I move towards Odin.

Cheek nudges cheek.

Deteriorating embers of light cling to the bottom of coals in the fire pit. How long have we been in here for?

"Are you alright my half?" Letting my soft voice trail against the pulse of his neck. He takes my hands in his. He holds our hands together before turning the soft flesh of my wrist to bring mouth. 

His kiss holds firm before he pulls himself away. 

Odin wraps a loincloth around his waist. "I have to go now. When you see me again I will be holding you in our bed." The flap of the tent is pulled to flash hurtful light inside.

He disappears and females start to enter including Lana, she appears older than I remember for some reason. 

"I see you, Lana."

"Do you really see me, Charlie?" Lana holds a cup up for me to take from her hand. The other females are looking at the creations that Odin has brought to life on my canvas of skin.

I'm made to stand up, like a showpiece, turning all sorts of ways, they even spread thighs while more bangles are put over my ankles and wrists. They are light individually but the more that are added the more weighted down I feel. 

They begin to touch my skin, touching the ink that has dried deep into the layering of me.

Oils perfume the air as soon as the corks are taken out of the darkened glass bottles.

Lana's hand is still stretched out.

"What is it, healer?" The way I say healer is not proper and it barely holds my temper.

"I can tell you're upset with me." Lana is calm and I fight the flutters that betrayal gives you.

"You knew Odin was going to do that to Morvared, you knew my mother would kill her."

"Yes, Odin and I planned it, a long time ago." Her words ring truth without any apology to them.

"Why kill Morvared?"

"She was dangerous to Odin. She would have killed him soon." The is something to be said about the Nature of my Wild. She is without control at times. The velocity of her violence even surprises me. The females drop to their bellies as she roars herself outward.

The tent tears away, the poles and hides destroyed as Odin crumples the shelter, leaving us exposed to the harsh light of day. 

I think I smell urine from a female who has pissed herself. Canines have broken through gums, he is standing to his full height and I can't help praising his structure of bone, muscle, flesh.

"What is happening to my mate?" Odin is speaking to Lana who is belly up on the ground.

"We were discussing Morvared and why she feels as if I betrayed her?" Lana's eyes darken black void of color that have no Wild within her.

Where is her soul?

"Healer, I've put you in charge for a reason. If anything happens to her." He pauses, blood eyes hone to her level. "I will make sure you live a long life..." His cheek almost touches her's in a nuzzling manner before pulling it away.

"Odin, I'm here, your sister is here." His mother touches his shoulder and he visibly relaxes.

"Elska, no one lives if they cross the boundary line. I don't care if they are Alphas or Lunas no one is to intrude on this." Odin's voice makes a nod of understanding come from his sister.

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