Never say never

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and the sound of throwback music playing. I go to the bathroom to do my morning routine and get dressed in basketball clothes. Even though it was Saturday and I should probably finish setting up my room,all I wanted to do was take some shots.

I walk downstairs to see my dad cooking and my mom putting the finishing touches of our new living room together.

"Princess you're gonna go outside already?Its so early." My dad looks over at the time that read 8:30

"Yea,I don't want it to get too hot." California heat was nothing to mess around with.

"Since you're going outside,will you do me a favor and throw this mess away."My mom points to broken down boxes and bubble wrap.

"Yea where are the trash cans?"

"In the backyard,you'll see it when you step outside."I gather the rubbish taking it to the backyard. I dump the trash in the recycling bin and grab my ball that was placed under the court.

I started with form shooting really close to the basket. Once I felt warmed up I worked on my moves and shooting off the dribble.

My focus was a little off because my new neighbors were outside being loud as ever. By the sounds of it they were playing a really intense game of basketball.

"Get that weak shit outta here!" Is all I hear before a basketball is swatted over the white wall. Series of 'Ohs' erupt out of the boys until the realization of the missing ball hits them.

"Now the ball is in their yard."

I don't know if I should just throw is over, or go inside and act like I wasn't even out here. I mean I've been out here for like an hour and a half, I think it's time to go inside.

"I'll go get it." One of them says as I put my ball to were it previously was. I head inside but a slight grunting noise causes me to turn around.

That Lamelo boy was on top of the wall that separated our homes. I watched him as he jumped down and looked for his ball.

He couldn't see me or was trying too hard to be sneaky to notice my presence. "You know you're trespassing right?" I know this boy didn't just hop into my yard for a ball.

His head snaps into my direction and he stands frozen in his place."Well you see what had happened was-"

"Someone got blocked and this landed here."I hold pass him the ball with extra force than needed. He catches it with ease and a chuckle."Yeah that's exactly what happened actually."

"Cool,you can go now" My tone was rude and very unwelcoming. He walks away without a word but stops."How long have you played basketball?Are you any good?"

Who comes onto someone's property uninvited and starts asking them questions?

I roll my eyes in obvious annoyance,"Since I was five and I would like to say so."

"You should come and work out with us." I scrunch up my face,"Um no thanks,I'll never work out with you."

"Why not?" Somehow we both walked towards each other, now standing too close for my comfort.

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