I'd Rather Go Blind

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It was Sunday night, the day before my first day at Chino Hills High School. I don't want to go, I wish I was homeschooled.

"Are you guys excited for tomorrow?" My mom asked the three of us. "No." We simply said, stuffing our dinner down our throats.

"High School isn't that bad." My dad laughed at us. "It isn't bad when you go to school with friends you knew since elementary." Dominic says. I could tell that he was becoming more and more upset with his move here.

"You can hang out with Lamelo and them, I'm sure your sister won't mind sharing her friends." My mom and dad grew fond of the guys rather quickly. My mom likes everyone, but it took time for my dad to be okay with me always being around them. Especially since I was the only girl.

"You can have those idiots, they annoy me." I was mainly speaking about Lamelo, but I didn't want to let my parents know there was "trouble in paradise" like Shareef said.

After we forgave each other yesterday, everything was good until I caught him texting Ashely again. I had asked him why he kept talking to her and once again, I was "trippin."

I get that they're friends, but do they really need to be texting each other like that? I'm not worried about melo cheating, but she doesn't sit right with me.

He promised me he'd never cheat. He'd never break a promise.

We finished dinner and started to clean up. Dominic and Mo washed the dishes, while I swept and mopped. The door bell rang and my Dad went to answer it.

He was talking to whoever was at the door for some time, "Hey looked who stopped by." My dad came in with melo behind him. I didn't acknowledge him and kept on sweeping the ground.

"Oh melo it's good to see you." My mom hugged him as if he was her own child. "Same to you Erica." Everyone was talking and I just continued tending to a floor that was cleaned about ten minutes ago.

"So do you kids have anything planned?" My mom asked looking between melo and I. "I'm not going anywhere with him." I mumbled.

"I was wondering if I could take Dom out for a bit."

"Sure just don't stay out too late." My dad gave us permission. Sometimes I wished my parents were more strict. Without a word, I put the broom away and I went to my room to put my shoes on.

"I'm ready." I told melo, still not wanting to leave. In her cheerful voice, my mother said goodbye."Have fun! Love you."

"Don't come back pregnant!" My dad called out. Melo laughed but the comment only annoyed me. We got in Tina's car, melo was driving it until he got his own for his birthday.

"You might be pregnant with all this attitude you have. I know you want my kids but this is a little soon." He chuckled. "I'm not having kids anytime soon."

Was he slow or just trying to start up a conversation? "Especially with someone who can't let go of their ex." I added. All of a sudden he pulls over, "I said I'm sorry!"

He pulls out his phone, "Look I'm deleting her off of everything I have." He shows me to prove that he's not lying.

"I don't care about her." I looked out the window. "Oh really, then why are you always asking about her?"

"I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about you! If we break up and she has something to do with it, it because of you not her."

I never actually went into depth on why I don't like Ashley, "You'd be the one to let her come between us and if you cheat. And I can only blame you and myself because you knew you had a girlfriend and I should've never trusted you." I wipe the tears swelling in my eyes.

"Dominique you can trust me. When I told you I wouldn't hurt you, meant it." He kissed me on the cheek. "Promise?"

"Promise." I smiled and leaned over for a kiss. Melo began to drive again, "Are you hungry?"

"No, but I've been craving frozen yogurt." I haven't had any in so long and I need some asap. "All you do is eat," Melo patted my stomach, "You're starting to gain weight."

I looked down seeing my little pudge,"Shut up." I need to start doing more ab workouts...


"Dom wake up." My mom lightly shook me awake. "I don't want to go to school." I pulled the covers over my head. "You only have to be there for a few hours. Get up." She walks out my room.

I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower. I honestly don't want to go to school. I was so adjusted back home and now I have to start over. I get out the shower, and I throw up in the toilet.

I guess saying I'm nervous is an understatement

After about an hour we were all ready to go. "Awe you guys look so cute! Let me take a picture." My mom makes us get together.

"Can we go now." Dominic groaned. "Erica let them go, they still need to get their schedules." My dad said. We said our goodbyes and went to our cars.

"Are we all riding together or taking our own cars?" Mo asks. "I taking my own car, I can't have the girls thinking I don't have my own car." Dominic says.

"No girl in their right mind will give you a second of her time." I unlock my doors. I hope everything goes well today, I don't need any stress.

I led the way to school since Mo and Dominic don't know where it is. We parked and walked inside the school.

"Oh look at that cute boy." Mo tries to point someone out. "Where?"

"The Mexican boy by all those black boys right there." I finally see the group she's talking about. "Will!" I wasn't calling him, but they all turn around.

"Don't say anything." She says in a low voice as we walk to them. "I haven't seen you guys in like a week." I hug will, Quan, Daijon, Narvin and O.

Since they only met melo, I introduce Dominic and Mo to the rest of the group. Everyone was getting along, but school was about to start and I haven't seen or heard from Lamelo.

"Do you guys know if Melo is here?"

"Yeah but I don't know where he went." O tells me. I would've thought he would be with me.


The school day was over and I didn't see melo once. We didn't have class together and I didn't see him during passing periods. Since it was a short day we didn't have lunch, so that wasn't an option. I missed his annoying ass all day.

I made my way to the spot we were at this morning, everyone was there but me and of course melo. "How was you first day?" Daijon asked as I walked up to them.

"It was good," I semi lied, "It would have been better if I heard from my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes. "Look he's right there." Quan pointed down the hallway.

Sure enough there he was, with Ashley...
They were only talking, but something told me it was over. I felt like crying. I went to the parking lot to drive home.

Maybe I should have confronted him, but I couldn't. I love him too much to let him go. I was just thinking about we could spend the rest of the day together, and he ignores me for Ashely.

My rear view mirror showed the tears going down my cheeks. I was dumb to keep believing him when he said nothing was going on.

Too much was happening all in one day. I know melo is cheating on me, I feel sick, and I don't know how I'm gonna handle everything. I can't believe it.

I'm changing the story bc I felt like it was basic asf

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