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"What do you want to watch?" Melo asked me as he scrolled through Netflix. "Put on the Get Down."

"How many times have you watched this?" He whined, putting it on. "Does it matter?" I watched it so many times, that I basically know it word for word.

"Melo will you do me a favor?" He threw his head back, "What is it?"

"Get my phone, and in my notes there's a list of baby names. Under the girls section type in Mylene." Even before I knew I was pregnant, I would keep a list of baby names in my phone.

"Why couldn't you do this?" He grabs my phone, "Because I'm eating chips." I say with my mouth full.

"I hope you know that we're not naming our kid after a character."

"Why can't we name our daughter after a character?"

"Because one, its corny and two, we're having a boy so don't get your hopes up for a girl."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, but we'll know next week."

"Actually about that..." Melo looks at me with a guilty expression, "I'm still gonna be away the day of the appointment. So you're gonna have to reschedule it." He tells me.

"What do you mean reschedule the appointment?"

"I mean what I said." He says in all seriousness, "Baby we have to start making sacrifices for our son."

"No you have to start making sacrifices." He was really pissing me off now, "What do you mean I have to start making sacrifices?" He looked at me.

"I mean what I said." I rolled my eyes, and went back to watching the show. He closes my laptop, "Nah we not having that, what did you mean?" He says getting angry.

"You need to calm down right now." I say trying not to go off. "What I meant was that I almost had to stop playing basketball forever, I went on home studies and even rescheduled this appointment twice, so now it's on my birthday and you're not even trying to move things around so you can come."

He takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry that you have to do all of this. I know it's hard, but soon we'll have our baby and we'll be in Lithuania."

Right when I thought this situation was getting better, it begins to get worse. "Who said I was going to Lithuania with you?"

"Why wouldn't you want to come?" I scrunch up my face, "Because my family is here, I'm not flying out the country six months pregnant, and my baby isn't going to be born in Lithuania."

"So what am I supposed to do? Miss my child's birth?"

"Your season is basically gonna be over when I'm due, so why can't you just leave?"

"Baby basketball is important to me and I made a commitment to the team." He rubs his forehead,"So me and our baby aren't important to you? You aren't committing to us?"

"Dominique that's not-"

"No it's alright LaMelo. At least now I know where you priorities are."


"It's about time you came." I heard Denise says as I walked into the nail salon. Today me, Denise, and Izzy decided to meet and get our nails done since my birthday is tomorrow.

"Oh shut up," I joked, and I sat down between them. "So what's been going on with my two pregnant ladies?"

"The other day, me and Zo went shopping for the baby."

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