alcohol is to blame

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"how it feels to be the laughing stock now? he said walking us back inside and out the front door into his car.

(Still Mikes P.O.V)

I pull up into my driveway and get out the car, I get Jess out from the other side and she starts to hit, kick, and punch me telling me to put her down. She took a step and fell to the ground when she has gotten back up she just fell again but this time I pick her up and put her on my shoulder.

"Oww!! Why are you hitting me?" I say as I got us up the porch.

"W-why is my ass s-talking we?" She says as she slurred her words.

roll my eyes as I laugh at her.
I put her down on the ground to get the keys from my pocket unlock the door. "I'm home from Coachella!!" She says as she tries to stand up. I laugh and pick her up bridal style and carry her up the stairs to my room, "I wanna stand on my own." She said squirming in my arms. I set her down and she holds on to the hallway walls for support. when we reach my room are in she starts to undress. my eyes widen at the action that's going on now.

"Hey, could u wait until I'm out of the room?" I say as I turn around but that didn't help I forgot that I had a full body mirror on my wall

I can see she's in just her lacy black bra and matching black lace panties

"Aah we best friends I've seen more than you can become red for, "she says with a slur.

I roll my eyes, trying not to stare at her in the mirror but she has a body of a goddess those curves who ever said fat is ugly they can good to hell cause god.

About 2 mins staring at her, she goes into the bathroom and I go into the closet to get changed into one of my shirts and shorts.

I come out and turn off the lights and get into bed and start to diff.

Jess P.O.V
I went into the bathroom, take off my glasses and changed into the closest thing near me, I lazily put my hair into two pigtails, turn off the light and put my hands out so I won't hit anything or fall.

Mike is full on snoring so I follow to where he is, as soon as I get close to the bed...BOOM! I fall on the bed it shakes ghouls I have when I walk everything shakes UGH!! I land on something hard like a rock and it's not a soft bed or the floor and it rises up and down rapidly. Discovering that my lips are locked with someone else's hoping it to be Chaining Tatum but to my hope it isn't look down out of all the people in the house it's Mike. All I can see is his icy blue eyes light up like stars in the dark night.

I'm in full shock just as he is also, i try to get up and move to the other side of the bed but mick ways his arms around me.

"I-i'm s-sorry I didn't mean to i-i slipped and feel on something that was on the gro-"I try to explain then I was cut off by mike kissing me. His lips were soft and they taste like chocolate. The kiss became passionate and firm. I felt he was holding my waste. The kiss felt like infinity. When something in head was saying this was wrong but my heart was telling others wise, i push Mike off me and went to pretended to be asleep my back away from my d
Him, my body feeling like its on fire i hear him say something before i slightly dug my nails into the the beds, pretending to make snoring noises sound real
When I slightly see his feel turn the other way I let out a breath that i didn't even know i was holding in, I quitly sit up and absorb the room trying to figure out what the hell just happenend. I'm deep in thought I hadn't realized the figure sitting up also right now I'm sobered up and it's all crystal clear
"Ahhh!! Mick with hell you doing go bad to sleep" I tried to push him to lay back down. And that the thing I tried to but he suddenly grabs both arms and pulls me closer to him, he lifs my fat face and straight up attacks my lips AGAIN!

My eye go big as tennis balls. I tried to push him away again but hiatus hold on me is too tight
I reach up to were his shoulder and neck meet and pinches him and out light the light he goes.
So now her I am recapping again on the fuck just just happenedhappened.

OMG OMG I KISSED MY BEST FRIEND TWICE!!! alcohol is to blame for this i thought to my self hopefully to believe it. i grab my hair and start to pull at it like a maniac, i did that Mike was next to me shuffling trying to get comfortable into reach out to fix his pillow, his skin was icy as the the Atlantic ocean so I cover him with the blankets.

i feel him shiver under my touch. i turn over and get off the bed and went to his closet to get a another big warm cover and place it over his body, i climb over him trying not to wake him. i lay down and fall asleep as i feel cold as hands wrap around my waist i shrug it off and fall into darkness.

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