Shock and despair

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My blood is boiling like molting fire Lava from what I'm overhearing right now. Pig



 someone not defending her or she not standing up for her self.

 words I've always hated it ticks me off right then and there I mean she has a lot of attitudes, smart remarks even when we talk about certain she's strong when we play fight. 

How can they go and say that kind of thing about her, now I'm roused up I slam the locker and start to walk towards Johnny and I punch him dead in his face, he tumbles back and comes charging at me with a blow to the stomach I tumble and double over. I look at him dead in his face and attacked him to the ground.

Jess P.O.V.

Sigh this is taking longer than I expect it to be but at least I have lots of free time on my hands later maybe I should pick out my lazy Birthday pj's. sounds like a plan to me and eating a chocolate cake while I am at it.

So right now I'm in the art room right across from the boy's locker room just listening to my playlist on my phone when all of sudden Emmett comes out of nowhere and starts to shake me violently. "Emmett, you scared the hell out of me. what's going on?" I say taking off my headphones. He looks at me then at the door quickly at the same time in full on panic mood, he then goes to say.

"Th....see ..there's a fight g...going on" he tried to say out of breath.

I look at him like he just came out of the asylum.

"Um aren't you all men I'm pretty sure you guys know how to break up a fight, or are you guys just wuss," I say as I re-adjust myself in my seat. I put back on my headphones and restart the song I was listening to. Just as I start to get semi-comfortable I'm being YANKED from the chair and pulled into the double doors that lead to the boy's locker room.

"EEWWW it smells like hot garbage that went into a hot sauna with dirty sweat socks on!" I covering my nose, Emmett looks at me like seriously "now's not the time" he says.


Get off!


That's enough!

You two!

I hear, when to enter, the loud roaring if the team trying to stop it or cheering them on to keep going. As I get to to the back where the big open space is filled with 11 players are it starts to comes clear to my vision of who was throwing punches at one another. 

I Lightly push people to break them up. "Move, move get out the way," I say to the twins and a ginger head boy

"MIKE! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" I yell at him, punch after the punch he throws his fist at Johnny.

I run in between them and swiftly make Johnny fall on to his butt. Mike started to swing but I catch his fist in my hand and look him dead in the eyes. On every football player and coaches face had a shocked jaw dropped almost hitting the floor expression on their face "STOP IT! NOW!" Once he realizes what look I was giving him that says 'I'm going to kill and feed you to the hyena's' look he down feeling and having regret, pathetic and knowing he has to apologize to Johnny

"get your shit and go to the car. Same for you too Johnny!! And the rest of you! Go! Home!" And when I said that they immediately did what I say and all left like a big tornado except Mike and Johnny I had them by the ears after they got their things from there lockers. I dragged them out of the building and into my jeep.

We drove to wolverine's pizza and gotten 2 large pizzas and went to Pep's ice cream parlor to get a big tube of swirl, strawberry, mint ice cream.

the ride to my house was quiet and awkward. I glance over to Mike he had some kind of anger/upset look on his face that I couldn't put my finger on. I look in my rearview mirror to see Johnny looking out the window with his knees to his face while the ice cream rest against his jaw. I pull up to my house and almost not even parked the car, Mike is the first to get out of the car without telling us. By slamming my car door. I'm so glad the door didn't break, Johnny gets out and then me. I rush to my front door, opening the door wide enough for Jhonny to come thru. I peek my head in the kitchen to see Mike shoves 2 large pizzas towards me making me all most tumble back I take it from him and he stomps off and up the stairs. I turn to Johnny "what happened in the locker room?" I say to him.

"Pshh" he rolls his eye to me and walks in my kitchen like he owns the place "hey, fat ass pig got anything to drink in this joint?" he says rummaging through my fridge. I feel my blood boil as I walk into my kitchen and grab one of the knives near the microwave. He closes my fridge and looks up at me. I then threw the knife at him. by far it flew by little to his head. His eyes widen and it took him a second to realize what just happened, he slowly looks up at me at me and sees the rage on my face.

"you do not come into my home or anyone else's for that matter and act like you own the place I, don't know where you got your attitude or manners from but I don't like it." I start walking slowly towards him and he starts backing up, his back hits the light blue kitchen wall."It's bad enough Mike is already mad at me for ruining football practice, he's probably already upstairs packing his stuff and going back home, I'm probably got to drive him back" I grabbed Johnny by his Adam's apple neck and as short as I am, I strangle him up off his feet. He realized what was happening when he was baring at my hand to put him down and kicking the kitchen wall.

"ACK! I'm sorry!" he breathes out

"you know what" a breath escape my lips "I'm getting a feeling that your the cause that started that locker fight, is that why Mike hasn't said a single word to me since the drive home? hmm? Must you of said something to him about me? RIGHT?!" blood boiling through my veins though looking him straight in the eyes.


a faint deep voice is heard but I shook it off


I turn around "what!" Mike is now right behind me 

right then he kicks his feet under me like a swift kind of move and then suddenly I'm on the ground, Johnny is on the ground coughing and crawling to get some water while Mike is wrestling me on the ground "Ahhh!!! Mick what the fuck you doing right now get off of me" I say to him, now suddenly he's on top of me with something bawled up in his hands "GET OFF ME!!"

I say to him "no you can't go around hurting people like that" he says "John you OK?" he turns to him "a cough yeah dude I'm fine" he says then goes to grab a slice of pizza, Mick shook his head at how greedy he thinks of his stomach. This probably is the best time to flip him over and try to get up off so I did so now he looks up at me with shock and despair. I lean down "don't do that again bub"

I lean back up and start walking to the staircase. I step on to the first stair I'm being picked up and put over the shoulders again "ugh put me down, what is the matter with up you tackled me and now I'm being carried over shoulder AGAIN" I say to him

"John, make your self at home Nuestra casa es su casa" he yells to him. it goes silent for a second

ugh this is gonna be a long night 



hmm what you think is gonna happen next 

 see you in the next  chapter

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