your gonna lose your spot

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The blank shock is in binding on me of what is happening right now.  I break away from the kiss looking at the insane muscular, sexy goddess

Wait what I'm losing it now I can't fall for him
With fear and confusion drove into my blood
I pushed and slapped him.  So now with the entire student stadium watching are now throwing things at me for being a burden to their favorite winning possession that can put another trophy in their case as an example for future kids.

I cover my hands and run away from the field away from the school and down the busy expressway.

The night got warmer and just for it to be my luck it started to rain
"Happy birthday to me" My voice cracks but not to as loud as the rain, I headed straight until my fat thighs and legs give out

So far the thing in my head is the humiliation all I wanted was to finish school peacefully. why is there so much bad intention applied to me I must have done something to a village for this generation to hate me

I just wanna go back to when we were younger there was no stress and no care in this horrific world 

I look up to see the grey clouds squeezing as much water out which is a lot and by now I'm drenched,  my hair wet but in braids thank the Buddhas



alright, now people have a death wish, making get all jumpy then falling on my ass

a car drives up on the side of me and its one of the worst. can ya guess who it is 




"Hey, you dumb cow" I roll my eyes and keep walking knowing they aren't worth it. "that was quite a show back there I think you need to back off and away from my man"

"your man? he was NEVER yours, to begin with, he despises you. you don't know when being a real bitch like me, you know that you get what you want and be the fakes to be that's guys you actually sleep with fake it with you" for a split second I saw sadness but it was replaced with her fack act 

she got out her truck and came up to me 

a slap right across my face was a blow from her. I was already getting more pissed by the second 

I'm cold 





 it all just flooding through my body like a wave, I then saw Abby's two minions walking up just before they can land a hand on me, I grabbed them both by the hair and collided them both together making them both whine and cry to the ground, turning right back to the main one 

I slapped her as hard as I can, leaving a big red mark on the face of her fake delusional and unuseful cheek.

"you are only to ever be less of your self taking the easy way out, do tell me how is that ever gonna make you learn anything? all you do is be a gold digging bitch and you

two find your own mind path, stop following up on the people just for them to like you, they won't care for you unless you be strong for. your. selves"

I then push the local that is in front of me back enough to make her tumble to the ground and kept on walking

just then a car drove super fast past me making my open jacket fly up in the air and scaring me 

"Hey watch slow down jackass! what is wrong with people ugh" just then the screeching of the car making it jerk around quickly as slippery as the road is right now the tires on the car started to burn rubber, zooming off in my direction.   just before it can hit me I moved out the way falling onto a tree with lots of bark poking out. 

when I got up my jeans ripped open in some places exposing my now open wounded legs and on my arm a big cut down my forearm dark red blood flowing down. the car then turns around again and stops this gives me a second to see it's the hoes and a few of there drunk acquaintances

I start running as fast as I can as the car started the speed up again

it now right on my fat ass  tailing me down the road outta nowhere though I'm near the wood turn a sharp left 

so I did just down, I look back and see them getting out and running when I'm deeper in the woods I climb up this big as high as I can take me where I can hide out for a while. The leaves were big enough that the rain hit my body here and their



I look to see Mike calling me for the 254th time literally. still being pisseD off at him, I deny the call lean back against the smooth tree.

after 30 mins the voices coming from the fades which means they are much more deeper into the woods than I am u then jump down landing as cat women would do and then go out and onto the roads.

The light of downtown LA lights up my view and I see a restaurant called Lapòòns dinner I walked in and asked if they bathroom the guy lead me to it. I looked in the mirror trying to processing what the hell is going on with this night I knew something was bound to go down that is why I wanted to stay home and go on with my own birthday plans 

I shake my head, try to dry the blood that still on my wounds and try to go along with the ripped jeans. I then head out and sit in a booth, thank the Buddhas that I took money from Mike. I'll pay him back when I'm unpissed off at him. The waiter comes and hands me a menu. I order the big chicken Alfredo with grape wine I look at the waiter he seemed to be in his 30s with a nice smile, he then leaves and it gives me time look through my phone so far I had 320 missed calls and 23 text messenger from Emmett and the rest from mike. not feeling up to talk with him so I look what Emmett wants.


he punched every teammate except me I'm in the hiding in the locker room

he now drives like he insane HE REALLY IS HELLP!!!!

he smashing everything in site when we came home

he keeps saying he sorry 


I shake my head and text back

tell him I'm ok  and he can chill the hell out 🙄


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