let your mind go blank

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Posted November 22, 2017

Soldaat pov

Jake and I had just finished our video logs that Norm made us record which was boring as all hell and confusing. Jake was really confused and was having a hard time but I got used to it fairly quickly because I'd done something similar when I first signed up.

We were then instructed to follow this scientist who was wearing a lab coat around. Norm was going on about a woman I had read about named Grace Augustine. She knew more about Pandora than any living human. She was an incredible woman and scientist! I started to ignore Norm since I already knew a lot about Grace and what she does and what she has done.

"Here she is, Cinderella back from the Ball. Grace I would like you to meet Norm Spellman, Jake Sully, and Soldaat," the science man introduced us to Grace who was standing near a man talking to him.

"Norm I hear good things about you, how's your na'vi?" Grace questioned as she approached us, I could tell she was eyeing us over to see what information she could get. She then spoke in na'vi which Norm returned pretty ok id say. I understood them just fine but Jake was watching them completely lost to their conversation.

After their conversation, she turned her attention to me. "Soldaat, tutee  hear your the best at Navi" (Soldaat, I hear your the best at na'vi)" Grace said in fluent na'vi to me. I tipped my head a bit in respect and took my fingers and touched my forehead like I was taught and spoke in a respectful manner "Ohe see ngenga Grace, ohe am fluent keye'ung Na'vi txìm ohe would ke'u say ohe am the best, ohe still have pamtseo to txìng" (I see you, Grace, I am fluent in na'vi but I would not say I am the best, I still have much to learn) I replied. Her eyebrows raised slightly and She gave me an impressed look.

"Ngenga remind me of a omaticaya ohe used to atxkxe " (You remind me of a omaticaya I used to know) she spoke to me her eyes filled with an emotion that I could not read. I nodded my head but didn't reply. "Your good," she finally answered in English and then her attention turned to Jake. "Ma'am," Jake greeted her like a gentleman and held out his hand for a handshake getting prepared to introduce himself. But Grace wasn't having any of it.

"Ya ya, I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother, you know the one with a PhD and trained for 3 years for this mission," Grace snarked in a bitchy voice. I was glaring daggers at her ready to pounce on her at any moment. How dare she be so disrespectful, Jake didn't ask to be here! I had grown to see Jake as a friend. I could see that he was a kind soul, unlike many people I have met. Once I have deemed someone my friend no one messes with them, and I mean NO ONE.

Jake slowly put his hand down  I could see his eyes darken a bit as he prepared to answer. "He's dead, I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone," Jake said with a bit of a snap. "How much lab training have you had?" Grace demanded.

"I dissected a frog once," Jake stated sounding a bit proud of himself as he gave Grace a look. I couldn't stop the slight chuckle that escaped me at his answer.

"You see, you see, I mean they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain." Grace snapped as she started to storm off. The scientist that guided us here tried to stop her but was only snapped at by her. "I'm going to Selfridge, No man this is such bullshit" Grace exclaimed as he stormed out swearing her ass off as she went to go find someone. The science guy came back over to us and instructed us "be here at 0100 and try to use big words" he begged before he walked off. Jake, Norm, and I slowly made our way out of the lab and back to where our sleeping quarters would be. "That went well," I said with sarcasm. Jake replied with a small chuckle while Norm gave me a nervous scared smile.

~ Next day ~

I could barely sleep, my dreams were constantly waking me up. I had dreamed of my father, my tribe, and even flying high above the jungle of Pandora. There was an energy about this planet that I had never felt before. I couldn't put my finger on it but with each passing day, I feel like I'm getting closer. As I watched the hours tick by I started to get ready for the day ahead. Today was the day. Today our avatars would be coming out of their tubes and we would officially connect to them. I felt a small tinge of nervousness and excitement blooming in my chest with each step I took moving closer to the lab. I did my best to conceal my emotions from the 2 males beside me. I came to a halt next to the link beds. Using the handles I opened it and stared down at the odd bed, I could stop my curiosity as I reached forward and poked the inside. It was an odd texture I had never felt before it was squishy and soft. (Freaky).

I slowly got in and laid straight down in the bed and carefully pulled the metal frame over myself. Soon Grace came over and checked everything making sure everything was set properly "how many hours have you logged," she questioned. "710 hours," I stated. She looked down at me surprised. "That's good. Now keep your head down and let your mind go blank" she instructed me before closing the lid.

I shut my eyes and allowed my mind to go blank.

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