your mine

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Published 7/19/19

As my eyes locked onto the ikran I noticed how strange it looked.  It's wings reminded me of a bat.  It also had a long tail that sprawled out like a fan.  It had huge claws that looked like sharp daggers.  It's colors conceited of different shades of browns,  yellows and black markings.  I'd never seen anything like it before.  This animal was not in any of the books I have read.

The challenged ikran HISSES and leaps at me, their jaws wide. I had just enough time to jump into the air as it dived down at me. Swinging the vine watching as it wrapped around the ikrans jaws snapping them shut.

I landed on the ground in a crouched position holding onto the vine as tight ad I could as the ikran fought me. 

The ikran let's out muffled screeched and tries to slash at me with it's razor talons.  I was forced to let go of the vine to avoid them. I spotted an opening and decided to take it,  leaping over the talons and tackling the ikran around the neck. It topples on to its side.  Using my arms and legs I wrap them around its thrashing head. I use one hand to grabs its whip-like antenna and bring it toward my queue but before I could make the bond its bony head slams sideways,  hitting me right in the face, almost knocking me out and making me lose my grip.

The ikran flings me to the ground with so much force it causes me to role. I felt my body jerk down as I grabbed onto the side of the rocky cliff edge. Feeling it cut into my hands.

My eyes went over to where tsu'tey was.  His eyes were full of panic as they stayed locked onto my figure hanging onto the edge of the cliff. The young warriors had gasped in panic, wanting to help me.

I scramble to pull my self up when I noticed that the vine was coming loose as the creature shakes its head, pissed off now, but -- Claws rake his leg but he gets.

I ran and leaped onto the ikran once again my arms around its head and I clamp down around it's head hard.
It flops to the ground as I scramble to get on top, pinning it head to the ground. I Grabs its whipping antenna, and lock it under my arm, grabbing the end of my queue I bring them together. I felt them fuse together.

The ikran stops struggling. It lies there panting. With me on top of it panting as well.  My eyes are locked onto theirs. I gave a toothy yet exhausted smile down at the ikran.

"That's right! You're mine" I huffed exhausted.

I relaxe my grip and slowly, and warily, slide my leg over the creature's back. Sitting directly on top of my once in a lifetime bond.  Tsu'tey came rushing over to me.

"First flight seals the bond. You cannot wait. "He expresses to me quickly.

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