Soldaat is dying

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Published 9/26/19

Due to the blood loss, I had gone unconscious, sending me into a deep sleep.

3rd person after jake landed with toruk.

As jake walked to Neytiri the people cleared a pathway for him.

As jake came to a stop in front of Neytiri. They stared into each other's eyes.

"I see you," Neytiri said breathlessly.

Jake gave a small smile " I see you" he returned her words. Touching her upper arm and her touching his lower arm. Before both, their hands slowly started to slide up.

Neytiri's hand stopping at Jake's shoulders while his hands cupped Neytiri's lower face and neck.

"I was afraid, jake. For my people. I'm not anymore. " she stated breathless, looking into Jake's eyes.

Jake smiled slightly before looking up at tsu'tey. He moved forward slowly.

"Tsu'tey son of Ateyo... I stand before you... Ready to serve the omaticaya people." Jake spoke in Navi now standing in front of Tsu'tey.

"You are Olo'eyktan, and you are a great warrior. " jake ended in English.

" I can't do this without you," Jake said. Tsu'tey was hesitant, he looked behind jake as trouk let out a roar spreading his large wings.

"Toruk Macto" Tsu'tey spoke. Pausing for a moment before putting his hand on Jake's chest.

"I will fly with you. " he finally spoke.

Then after a moment of silence, a sad look overcame Jake's face.

"My friend is dying" jake spoke. Looking into tsu'teys eyes.

The look made Tsu'tey freeze. By the look in Jake's eyes, Tsu'tey knew he was talking about Soldatt. But tsu'tey was praying to Eywa that he was wrong.

Jake then looked over to Neytiri and Mo' at.

"Soldatt is dying" jake spoke.

Neytiri held onto her mother as her eyes widen in shock.

Tsu'tey took a step back, as he felt his heart shatter. His mate, the one he loves more than anything in this world. Was dying. It felt like his world was crumbling down around him.

"I beg the help of Eywa. " jake whispered his eyes full of pleading.

Sol pov

Jake had returned, but not alone, Tsu'tey insisted he come along.

As grace put my gas mask on norm helped carry me out. Grace had helped prepare me for the events that were about to happen. I had no clothes on, I was only covered in vines, thankfully covering my essentials. Looking up weakly I saw tsu'tey. He was so much larger than my human body.

I smiled at him weakly, reaching out to him. He slowly and gently took me into his arms. Treating me like I was glass, that at any moment I could shatter into a million pieces.

He looked down at me with so many emotions. I reached my hand up and cupped his face, watching as he leaned into it.

"I see you" I whispered.

"And I see you" he whispered back, a sad smile on his face. His much larger hand coming up to cradle mine that was cupping his face. His thumb gently rubbing my smaller one.

"I'm sorry" he whispered as he carried me to the tree of souls.

"Let's talk about this after I'm not dying anymore, ok" I whispered to him leaning my head against his chest. "If this is it, I want our time together to be happy and peaceful. Not full of regret and sadness." I whispered.

"This will not be our last moments together, I won't allow it" he stated.

His grip around me tightened slightly, but not enough to hurt me. It was a comforting squeeze. It was soon silent, the only sound that was made was the crunching of leaves under tsu'tey's feet.

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