I don't believe in fairy tales

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Published 9/19/19

They had dragged me into a separate cell acrossed from norm, Jake and grace.

They thought I was to much of a savage to be near the other three. I think they were more worried I would kill Jake.

And in that moment I swear I would. I wanted to kill Jake for letting this happen.

"Are you happy now Sully? You killed so many innocent lives. I hope what ever that monster promised you was worth it. " I stated emotionlessly, starring at the wall. Sitting on my bed.

Jake didn't respond for a moment.

"I didn't know they would do that." He whispered.

"Oh and what did you think they were gonna do!? Did you think they would walk right on up to hometree with a basket of muffins and ask nicely for them to move!! " I snapped at him.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"It's a little to late for a sorry Sully" I snarled.

"Hey that's enough Sol I think he gets it, he fucked up" Grace intervened.

It became silent again.

I became lost in my thoughts. Memories with tsu'tey began to replay in my head.

It was like watching a movie, I could see myself with tsu'tey.

I looked up when I heard a familiar voice. I watched as trudy rolled in with a food cart.

" what's going on brother, long time no see" she said to the guard.

"Hey" was his response as he got up to greet her.

" personally, I don't feel these tree-hugging traders deserve steak." She stated. I recognized that glint in her eyes.

She was tricking him.

" they get steak? That's bullshit. Let me see that." He stated and began to open the food cart.

Judy then pulled out a pistol and pointed it at his head. " yeah. You know what that is. Down." She commanded the soldier.

"All the way down. " she pushed to to the floor before hitting him hard on the back of his head.

"Max" she stated loudly.

I watched as max came running into the room.

He unlocked jake, norm and graces cell before running over to mine. Unlocking it as well.

We raced down the halls, trudy leading the way, as she's the only one with any kinda weapon.

"Trudy, fire up the ship! Go!" I stated running behind her.

Trudy handed norm and I a gun. As we raced ahead of the group. Norm grabbed the gas masks as trudy and I made sure it was clear.

We made it to trudy's aircraft with out being spotted.

Norm and I pulled off the covers on the engines. As trudy started to up. Soon jake and grace made it. Quickly I helped pile everyone in.

I moved grace to sit more in the middle as I sat closer to the opened area.

I held on tightly as bullets started to pelt down on us. Trudy managed to get us into the air.

I gasped loudly as I felt immense pain erupt in my lower right side. My hands automatically reaching to cover where the pain erupted.

Looking down, I saw blood starting to seep through my shirt. I was shot.

As the gun shots ceased, everyone began to cheer but me. The bullet had hit something important I could tell.

"Shit" I whispered seeing that I'm losing blood fast.

" everybody all right back there?" Trudy asked.

I saw jake look at me with a smile. His eyes widen andbhr lost his smile  seeing the blood staining my shirt.

"My day keeps getting better and better huh" I stated weakly, already feeling weak.

Grace, Jake and norm rushed to me.

"Sol's hit" jake stated.

"Get the trauma kit" grace commanded norm.

"TRAUMA KIT" norm yelled up to trudy.

"Keep the pressure on, Sol" jake commanded me. I smiled at him weakly.

"I'm sorry for everything I said jake" I told him.

"Hey it's fine I deserved it, but right now we need to get you taken care of" he stated pulling up my shirt to get a better view of the bullet wound.

I shook my head, a sad smile gracing my lips.

"It's fatal jake, only way I'm gonna make it out of this,  is if I have surgery. Which is kinda out of the question now that were kinda criminals" I stated.

-------------time skip to them moving their base camp----

We were moving our old base camp deeper into the mountains. I was lying in one of the link beds with heavy gauze wrapped around my midsection. Tucked under a few blanket's.

Grace was up with trudy while norm was in his avatar body helping move the large container.

Jake meanwhile was being my own personal nurse. Jake rolled over to me with a needle in hand.

Genlty as he could, he put it into my arm. "Ow...that hurt ya know" I stated weakly. My skin had grown noticeably paler as I continued to lose blood.

"Ya big baby" jake stated looking at the bloody gauze.

"Were gonna get you some help, sol" he said bringing my blanket up higher.

"I'm a warrior, remember?" I stated.

After a moment I spoke again.

"I don't believe in fairy tales. "

"The people can help you. I know it" he whispered starring into my dull eyes.

"Why would they help us?"

Jake didn't respond after that.

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