act like a savage, get treated like one

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Dedicated to Icykiki1 after reading such a heart warming comment I just, had to dedicate this chapter to them.  The comments you left warmed my heart so much!  I'm so greatful for your kind words
Published 8/27/19

I shot up out of the link bed to see colonel starring down at me in disgust. "ARE YOU INSANE?!  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" I screamed at him. 

The last thing I saw was colonel raising his fist and punching me.  Causing my head to fly to the side hitting the side of the link bed.  Making me go unconscious.


When I woke up I was in the main hanger where I always saw jake talking and explaining home tree.

I tried moving my hands I found I couldn't.  Looking down at them I noticed they were bounded together. I  found myself in a chair with grace standing next to me.

Looking around my eyes landed on jake.  I felt pure fury rise up in my body. I shot up out of the chair and tried to charge jake.  But two soldiers grabbed me holding me back. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO JAKE!  WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE" I yelled at him,  fighting the soldiers holding me. 

"What did you do" I growled again lowly.  My eyes staying locked onto his form in his wheel chair.

"Shut your pie hole! " the colonel command me with a threatening growl.

I snarled at him.  " I swear,  if you touch a single one of omaticaya I will personally rip your heart out...... If you even have one" I growled my attention now focused on him. 

He sneered at me. "Once a Savage always a savage" he commented. 

"I'd rather be a savage than a monster like you" I hissed spitting at him.  My spit landed on his cheek.  He glared at me and slowly wiped it off before looking at it for a moment then back at.  I felt my head whip to the side as a hard punch slammed into the side of my face. 

"Lock her up until she's needed." Colonel stated to the men holding me.  But before they dragged me away.  Colonel grabbed my chin and made me face him.  "You wanna act like a Savage,  you'll be treated like savage" he stated and "lightly" smacked the side of my face he punched. I snarled at him before spitting blood at his feet in disgust.  When he punched me I had accidentally bit my tongue causing it to bleed.

Grace and norm tried to stop them while jake just looked at the ground. 

The soldiers had locked me in a cell for who knows how many hours before I was dragged out again and to the lab.

They roughly unlocked my cuffs.  I slowly laid down in the link bed.  I had to warn them.  I had to get them out of there before they were all killed.

I won't stand by and watch them die.  I'll give my life if I have to,  to save them. 

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