Chapter 10

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What a day, I thought to myself as I observed the scene before me.

The X Factor after party was in full swing and everyone was having a great time. Music blasted through the speakers, lights lit up the dance floor, food was littered on every table, and not a single soul was in bad spirits. It was a memory in the making, and although I wanted to enjoy the party aspect as much as possible, the real thrill came from the smile plastered on Camila's face as she danced carelessly with the other girls. I knew it would be short lived, but in that moment, she didn't care what people thought of her. She was being herself, and the sound of her unfiltered laughter piercing through her favorite songs made my heart flutter ten times faster than usual.

"You look like you're having a great time," I observed, leaning down so that she could hear me.

"What do you expect? I'm in the middle of the best day of my life," she smiled.

"I bet I know what would make it better," I teased, a seductive tone to my voice.

She raised her eyebrow, waiting for my response.

"They have pizza," I smirked.

"I guess I'll go get some," she sighed. "Pizza isn't exactly what I was planning on eating, but it'll have to do."

She winked and I felt my cheeks turn red at her insinuation.

"I'll go get us some," I offered, trying desperately to get out of the situation before I embarrassed myself.

I pushed through the crowd and made my way to the food table, her words echoing in my mind. That wasn't normal for Camila. She was usually so awkward and uncomfortable in situations like that, and her sudden change of heart made me wonder if my perception was just off or if advancing on the show gave her an adrenaline rush that elicited a newfound sense of confidence. Either way, I was surprised she had said it at all, and the words toyed with my mind and sent chills throughout my whole body every time I thought of them, the muscles in my stomach twisting in a way I never knew was possible.

"What's got you so worked up?" Keaton asked, appearing by my side and startling me.

I shook my head and cleared my throat, attempting to rid my mind of anything related to Camila for the time being but finding it nearly impossible.

"Nothing...I'm not worked up," I lied.

"Really? Because you look like you either need to cry or get laid. Or both," he laughed.

"We just advanced to the next show," I reminded him. "Obviously I don't need to cry."

"Ah, so you do need to get laid," he smirked.

"Why are we talking about this?" I snapped, turning away from him to grab a few slices of pizza.

"I'm your fake boyfriend, we're supposed to have these types of conversations," he said.

"I don't remember agreeing to that."

"Okay, fine, but no matter what I'm your friend and if you need to talk about something, I'm here," he promised me. "Besides, I doubt you plan on telling any of the girls about your lesbian fantasies considering none of them even know about you and Camila in the first place."

I scanned the crowd and located the girls, all of them laughing and dancing like the best of friends and nothing more. They had no idea what was going on between Camila and myself, and at the rate things were going, they wouldn't find out for a long time. Who did I have to talk to besides Keaton? He was the only one who knew, and so far he had kept our secret like he promised. I trusted him enough to keep another.

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