Chapter 19

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Part 2

Christmas Eve, 2012

Camila's POV

"Okay, okay! Everyone quiet down," my mom pleaded.

I glanced at Lauren who was seated next to me on the couch and smiled, happy to have her by my side for the holidays.

"Before we open presents I'd like to make a toast," my mom continued.

She raised her wine glass high into the air and the rest of the adults did the same, everyone becoming serious as they waited for her to go on.

"To Camila and Lauren," she announced. "And Normani, Dinah, and Ally, who unfortunately couldn't make it. Congratulations on a wonderful season girls. We're all very proud."

Everyone clinked their glasses together in a toast. Lauren and I smiled at each other, happier than ever that our families were all together for Christmas and we could spend it together.

Four days had passed since the show ended and we were already back in Miami, ready for step two of whatever process the group was undergoing. We had been offered a record deal but hadn't signed it yet, however a reunion was expected sometime in January to officially get the project underway, and we would begin working on our first EP sometime after that. It was an exciting time for all of us. Our lives were changing drastically and it seemed as though they were only getting better day by day. I was especially proud of everything we had accomplished. I never in a million years could have ever imagined that I would be on the X Factor, much less signed to a record deal only two months later. It all seemed so surreal. I had three new best friends and Lauren by my side the whole way, and to me that was even better than any prize we could have obtained from winning.

"Let's open presents!" my little sister, Sofi, begged.

"Why don't we let Lauren and Camila exchange gifts first?" my dad suggested.

"," I said sheepishly, holding out my hands in front of me to stop him from saying anything else. "We're exchanging them later tonight."

"Why don't you just do it now?" Lauren's dad questioned. "Save yourself some valuable time."

"Camz says that it's something we have to do in private," Lauren explained.

"It's complicated," I added.

My dad shook his head in confusion and handed Sofi her first present. Lauren and I sat in silence and watched as everyone else exchanged gifts, our legs pressed close together but not close enough to be suspicious. We sat around the tree for hours, talking mostly about the show and the record deal and eating leftovers from dinner until it was time to put Sofi to bed.

"I'll put her to bed so you guys can clean up," I offered, picking her up and placing her on my hip.

"I'll stay in here and-" Lauren started.

"No, come with me," I interrupted.

She furrowed her brow but followed me into Sofi's room anyway. I shut the door behind us and sat Sofi on her bed, pulling her pajamas out of her dresser.

"I don't want to go to bed," she huffed, crossing her arms in front of her chest and poking out her bottom lip.

"Sofi, you have to go to sleep so Santa can come," I reminded her. "He won't come if you're awake."

"How come you get to stay up?" she argued.

"Santa doesn't bring presents to big kids," I shrugged.

Should Have Known (Camren)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora