Chapter 12

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"Good morning sleepy head!" Camila said sweetly as she walked through the door with two cups of coffee in her hands.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up to look at her as she climbed into the bed and handed me one cup, keeping the other for herself and taking a long sip.

"What time is it?" I groaned, our eventful night finally catching up to me.

My bones ached with fatigue and my eyelids were heavy, but for some reason I liked the feeling. I liked knowing that I felt that way from a night full of memories, and I liked how the longer I was in Camila's presence, the more refreshed I felt.

"It's like noon. I guess we kind of slept in," she laughed.

"Well no wonder. We had quite an eventful night," I reminded her.

"Oh, yeah...that was..." she trailed off, staring into her cup and biting down on her bottom lip.

"What?" I pressed.

"Unexpected," she finished, although I could tell she wanted to say more.

"Didn't you have fun?" I asked.

"I did, I just...can't picture you as someone who would do something like that, you know? Sneaking out, risking disqualification, wandering the streets of Los Angeles at three in the morning."

"Yeah, well, love makes people do some crazy shit," I sighed.

She sat her coffee on the bedside table and then repositioned herself so that she was sitting in my lap with her legs on either side of mine, her hands fiddling with the blanket separating us.

"We should do it again sometime," she smirked.

"I think that's a great idea...but maybe next time we shouldn't wait until three in the morning. I'm beat," I told her.

She smiled, but it was clear she had something else on her mind, and I knew exactly what it was. I placed my coffee on the table, barely allowing myself enough time to breathe before she snaked her arms behind my neck and pulled my lips into hers. I felt her smile in the midst of the kiss and couldn't help but do the same. I tried to deepen the kiss, sliding my tongue along her bottom lip, but she pulled back, a devious smirk on her face.

"I'm kind of tired too," she lied. "Maybe we should just to back to sleep and continue this later."

She tried to move but I stopped her, pulling her into me by her hips so that there was no space between us.

"I bet I can wake you up," I threatened.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes sarcastically although I could feel every bone in her body aching with the desire for me to prove it. I knew she was trying her best to hide her emotions, and I knew that every passing second was driving her crazy, so I decided to play with her a little.

"You don't think I can?" I pressed.

"I'd like to see you try," she retorted.

I gripped her hips tightly and repositioned her so that she was next to me on the bed, quickly pushing her down onto the mattress and into the pillows and climbing on top of her.

"Be careful what you wish for," I teased.

I kissed her lips softly, distracting her from my wandering hand as it slid down her torso and came to rest on her side. I pulled back slightly and felt her follow, only instead of reconnecting the kiss, I began to tickle her. She found my wrist immediately and pulled it back, narrowing her eyes and glaring at me.

"Don't you dare," she warned.

"I told you to be careful what you wish for," I repeated, using my other hand to tickle her other side as she squirmed and kicked underneath me. I continued with my other hand, finally able to yank it out of her grasp in her struggle to break free.

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