Chapter 18

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The following night was the final results show before the finale. We didn't know what to expect. We started on the bottom of the charts and fluctuated throughout the entire season, landing everywhere from the bottom two to fourth place, and now we had no idea where we would end up. We were at a crossroads. Our performance of Anything Could Happen was a show-stopper. Everyone loved it, and that was great, but Impossible was a different story. Still, we had given it our all, and all we could do was pray.

We all stood backstage with the other remaining contestants, Emblem3, Tate, and Carly Rose Sonenclar. We were the best of the best, but only three of us would walk off stage that night and return a week later to fight for the top spot.

Everyone was excited despite the anxiousness of what was to come and remembering that even though all four of us were there, only three would actually get to perform.

We heard the opening music for the show and knew that it was time. There was nothing we could do at that point. Whoever made it was as lucky as ever and whoever didn't, well, that was a different story. Everything we had worked so hard for could have come to an end right there on that stage, just a few seconds after being huddled together and praying for our survival. No matter who went home, it would be upsetting for all of us. The girls and I had grown close to all of the competitors over the last few weeks and we didn't want to say goodbye to any of them, but it was inevitable.

"Let's bring out our final four contestants to see who advances to the finals and who heads home," Mario announced.

We all walked out onto the stage, everyone holding hands, and found our respective positions.

"Anything you'd like to say before we get started?" Mario asked the judges.

Simon was the only one who spoke up.

"I'd just like to say that you've all done an incredible job," he complimented. "You've made it so far and you're all extremely talented. Best of luck to you."

Too bad luck didn't have anything to do with it.

I squeezed Camila's hand with my left and Ally's with my right, glancing down the line at Normani and Dinah whose nerves were clearly getting the best of them. I didn't know how we got there. We started out as total strangers, all after the same dream and cut short only to be placed together. I never pictured myself in a girl group. I never pictured myself in any group at all, let alone making it that far on the X Factor, yet there I was. I was grateful for the opportunity no matter what happened, and even though I had doubts that we would advance to the next round, I didn't mind. I had accomplished more than I could have ever hoped for, and I had done it all with my four best friends by my side.

I felt my heart threatening to beat right out of my chest as the lights dimmed and Mario pulled an envelope out of his jacket.

"And the first contestant to advance to the finale is..." he announced dramatically.

I squeezed Camila's hand tightly, feeling her racing heartbeat as it pulsated through her fingertips. Ally looked as if she was about to cry. Dinah looked pale and sick to her stomach. Normani was trying her best to hide the fact that she was shaking, and me? I was being realistic. We hadn't landed in the top spot once throughout the entire duration of the show, and it was even more unlikely to happen right before the finale after the judges' comments. Even if we weren't the first, we still had two other chances to...

"Fifth Harmony!" Mario exclaimed.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed.

We all screamed louder than we had ever screamed in our lives, jumping up and down and crying and hugging one another. Ally almost collapsed. Not only had we advanced to the finale, we had done it in first place. We were ranked first for the very first time in the competition. I looked around the auditorium after we had all calmed down and let it all soak in.

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