Chapter 5 🌙

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"Suna is so far." I murmur as I take a food pill from Sakura's outstretched hand. She nods as she takes the remaining pill into her mouth as well.

"Remember the food pills are only for emergencies. Girls of your age need to be careful not to eat too much." Kakashi sensei says looking at us with a sweat drop.

Sakura takes a loud bite of her food pill and runs a bit quicker ahead of us so she'd be side by side with Naruto. I then look at Kakashi sensei with narrowed eyes "Are you calling me fat?"

"What? No-"

"I'll have you know my six pack doesn't think I'm fat." I snap, then rushing forwards alongside Sakura.

Temari looks at my sensei with a sweat drop "great choice of words." She mutters, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Naruto." Sakura starts, grabbing my attention. "You've met him before haven't you? Itachi Uchiha? He's after you isn't he?" She asks, every muscle in my body tensing up at the sound of his name. With myself being unaware, Kakashi sensei doesn't fail in noticing this. 

My cast my eyes downwards as Naruto also tenses up. "He's after you too. I didn't just train these two and a half years. I got into master Tsunade's library and did outside investigations to the best of my ability. And now, what was bothering me finally makes sense!"

My eyes snap up to Sakura's serious expression. "Yeah that's why you didn't know who the hell Shinji was." I sarcastically say.

I mean seriously, two and a half years of studying and she couldn't recognize my brother who was even wearing an akatsuki cloak?

Sakura looks over to me and rolls her eyes "You two don't look alike and I've never seen pictures of him, I only knew of his name." She explains.

Kakashi sensei speaks up from behind us "I beg to differ! Their noses are very similar." He says to which I face palm. I bring my water bottle up to my lips and begin drinking the cool water.

"Anyways back to what I was saying, that was why Sasuke-kun is with Orochimaru In an attempt to gain power, but Orochimaru is after Sasuke-kun's body right? And we only have six months left!"

I immediately start choking on the water in surprise and Kakashi sensei slaps my back in attempt to help. "That *cough* isn't helping at all!" I breath out, crushing up the empty bottle and throwing it in a little pouch to throw away later.

Oh shit, I forgot! Sakura is madly in love with that no good little Uchiha devil! I thought she would've gotten over her love for him but apparently not as she still holds a title of endearment for him.

Huh, my team really is complicated. . .

So before I left Naruto had feelings for me while expressing his liking of Sakura, Sakura hated Naruto and was in love with Sasuke, Sasuke is a little bitch and obviously didn't like anyone, and I was too oblivious to note that any of this was going on..

Poor Kakashi sensei.

So Sakura still cares for my ex boyfriend? Well granted she doesn't know we were a thing... hey maybe she just cares for him as a teammate!


"You know Sakura would kill me right now if she saw this." I quietly say as I run my hand through Sasuke's coal black hair. He opens his eyes and stares directly up at me since his head was on my lap. "Who cares what she thinks?" He rhetorically asks as he twirls a piece of my white hair in his hands.

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