Chapter 20 🌙

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"This place isn't creepy at all." I sarcastically mutter to myself as a I watch the wind blow all the leaves away. I stand still besides Naruto as Sai's mouse art returns to his scroll. That skill that he uses still so bizarre to me, but oh well! If it works then why ask?

Yesterday at training there was some showdown between Naruto and Sai that I was less than interested in. It all started because Sai left Naruto behind and blah blah blah. I wasn't really paying attention since I was more of a solo act, opting to not really spar with anyone but just practice my ninjutsu on wooden clones of myself.

"I dont sense the presence of anyone around the Tenchi bridge." Sai informs as he picks up his scroll. "I guess that means there won't be any Akatsuki ambush, huh?" Yamato asks himself.

My mind instantly snaps back to my brother, the image of his face being so scared and nervous will probably haunt me for a while. We actually did go to sleep for a little while but when I woke up he was long gone, only leaving a black feather behind as I trace.

I'm genuinely worried about him, I didn't want him to go back to the Akatsuki knowing that something bad is brewing over there that could possibly hurt him. I think if something ever happened to him I wouldn't be able to process it.

Not knowing my parents is terrible, but to know and then loose is even worse.

"All right! Then let's proceed as planned." Yamato sensei commands, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Naruto could you hold this towards me?" Yamato asks as he hands Naruto a picture. I glance at the picture to see Sasori's puppet, Hm I already know what he's going to do.

He makes a quick hand sign and wood style to create the puppet, transforming into it perfectly. "So did it turn out good?" Yamato sensei asks. I smirk and nod "Of course! Ugh I love wood style, it's so convenient!"

Sakura nods "You look just like Sasori's puppet Hiruko." She comments.

"Alright now it's time to do the voice." He makes a series of weird noises before finally getting the correct dead like voice. I nod "That's the one, but your tone is too polite. Try sounding like my mom's wolf Isao. Sasori and Isao have eerily similar tone."

Yamato does as told and sounds perfect "Perfect!" Sakura smiles.

"Okay, our opponent should be on the alert. We'll split up now! Observe teamwork at all times! Especially you Naruto! Don't be jumping out before I give the signal." Yamato sensei orders. I place a hand on my hip and arch a brow at my sensei.

"Alright this is getting creepy, you sound too much like him." I say, Sakura nodding as I say this. There's a slight pause in our group before Yamato sensei orders "Let's go!"

Naruto Sakura Sai and I separate from Yamato who's now on the main trail. The four of us are walking silently and in a file line. I'm the first in the group, then Sakura, then Naruto, and Sai is basically the booty of the line.

I make a 'come on' signal with my hand as I look back at those three. They all nod and we kneel down in a mini clearing that has the perfect viewing distance of the bridge where the operation will be taking place.

"Remember what Yamato sensei said, wait for the signal." I whisper earning nods from the rest of the group. I turn back around and narrow my eyes at the bridge, shoving my gloved hands into the pockets of my unbuttoned cloak.

"Haru the wind is strong, we should get a move on." Sakura whispers to which I nod. "We need to find a place that's closer." I whisper back. We all stand up quietly and continue moving now in a diamond formation. I'm at the front while Sakura and Naruto are slightly behind me and next to each other. Sai on the other hand is directly behind me, acting as the booty of the formation again.

Legacy of a Senju (Sequel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora