Chapter 29 🌙

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It's been a couple of months since my entry to the akatsuki.

To be completely honest with myself, this whole experience has been. . . Bizarre.

There are twelve members in this group, I seriously think Itachi is the only relatively normal one. 

There's leader-sama, pein-sensei, nightmare central, whatever he's called. Seriously, he's probably one of the creepiest guys I know but in all honesty, he's not completely terrible.

He's actually taken time to train me. At first I thought I wasn't that far off from these guys in terms of strength, but boy was I wrong.

Can I utilize senjutsu? Yes. But was I skillful enough to compete with someone like pein? No.

Despite his offsetting nature of being terribly stoic and almost dead-faced, I must admit that leader-sama has taught me so many new things. He refined my skills immensely and it's only been a couple months. If I were in the leaf village, I would probably be sitting at home waiting for my 'missions' that Tsunade promises all the time.

My schedule here in the akatsuki has been hectic not that I'm complaining, it's quite literally one mission after another and pein expects this missions to be done with great efficiency. I only ever really go to the base to sleep and train.

Anyways, today is a free day and I've been feeling terrible lately. My head has been pounding and I snap at anyone who nears me. 

"WHICH ONE OF YOU IDIOTS TOOK MY SAKE?!" I yell, annoyed and frustrated at the lack of my favorite drink in the refrigerator. My less than smart brother happily walks in, not sensing my annoyance. "Hey Haru! Why do you look like that today?" He asks, frowning at my tired state. "What do I look ugly?" I sweetly ask. He nods "More than usual." Normally, I would laugh at his comment and playfully agree. But today I seem to be extremely grumpy. My eye twitches and I don't hesitate on swinging my fist forwards, sending him a mean upper cut.

Kisame and Itachi walk in all of the sudden to see my brother twitching on the floor. Kisame lets out a laugh and steps over Shinji, walking over to the refrigerator I'm at. Itachi sighs at his student who was just meanly struck, but also walks over him to stand by us.

"My sake is gone!" I whine, slamming my head on the closed fridge door. "Aren't you a bit too young to drink?" Kisame asks, not really caring either way. I fiercely glare at him. "I'm too young to be doing half the shit I'm doing. Your point?"

Itachi arches a brow at my haughty nature, he quickly realizes it's extremely unlike me and begins to decipher my problem. "True, I never took you for a drinker." Kisame comments making me sweat drop. "Oh please, I'm nothing compared to the hokage." I reply, remembering how Tsunade would chug down sake like it was water. I'm not too far behind though.

"Haru." Kakuzu calls, entering the kitchen where I stand with my arms crossed over my chest. "What?" I snap, annoyed with everyones presence. He glances up at me from his account book "Hidan and I will be retrieving the two tails. Leader-sama wants you to come along." He informs. 

My eyebrows furrow "Why do I have to come along, I just got back from that crazy mission?!" 


"I've arrived." I mutter, extremely tired from the exhausting mission I just went through. I was looking for some poor soul who was claiming to have information on the akatsuki, and would sell it for a price.

It was basically a man hunt. One second the guy was in one county and the other second he was in the opposite side of the world.

Legacy of a Senju (Sequel)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang