Chapter 58 🌙

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After passing by multiple sky scraping mountains in what is known as Kumogakure's training grounds, Team Taka and I finally make it to a platform connected to a high staircase which leads to a temple.

It's where the guard that Sasuke took over pointed us too and with the help of Karin we could easily tell that this is indeed where the jinchuriki for the eight tails is.

Team Taka naturally position themselves in a diamond position, with Sasuke in the front, Karin in the far back, and the boys on either side of him. I on the other hand, stick out like a sore thumb.

I take a deep breath and turn to Sasuke seriously "I'll be nearby watching, I'll only step in when necessary." I tell him, frowning when Karin scoffs behind us. "Why? Cant you just stay down here and face the Jinchuriki with us? Don't tell me you're scared." Karin mockingly says. My sharp eyes narrow, irked by her questions.

"I watched the third hokage get killed when I was ten years old, I've been strapped to chakra chains where I literally felt my life leaving me, I've lived through numerous assassination plots since the time I was born, I've been held down by some of the most powerful ninja in the world and endured having an actual demon sealed inside of me by said ninja. Nothing, even this, amounts to the fear I feel when looking at your atrocious haircut." I bluntly say, arching a brow and daring her to hotly respond.

Her face reddens and she clenches her teeth in anger, but I could tell that she's choked up and doesn't know what to say. I sigh and turn back to the boys who, except for Sasuke, are staring at me wide eyed. "As I said before, I'll be close so if anything happens I'll help out."

Suigetsu scoffs at me, brushing off the possibility that he could get hurt. "Please Haru we'll finish that guy up easy! He's no match for us." He cockily states. I tilt my head to the side "Don't underestimate a jinchuriki Suigetsu, especially the eight tails." I recommend.

Sasuke sharply looks at me "You know who we're going up against?" He asks to which I nod.

"I do, and trust me. He's a goofball but he's very very strong. Don't underestimate him because of his ridiculous hobby." I say, already sweat dropping at the remembrance of Killer B and I meeting for the first time.

Jugo furrows his eyebrow. "What hobby?" He curiously asks. Before I could answer, I feel a chakra presence appearing at the top of the staircase. I tense up slightly, not wanting the jinchuriki to see me. "You'll see, I must go now." I state quickly. Sasuke senses my rushed state and grabs my wrist to stop me from transporting away.

"You're the one here with wood release, come out if the jinchuriki's beast comes out as well." He orders. I rip my wrist out of his grip and glare at him. "Yes yes I got it, and can you stop grabbing me all the time? Jeez its like I'm handcuffed to you." I slightly complain, rolling my eyes when he simply stares at me instead of answering.

This is yet another Issue I have with Sasuke. He's so cold and distant, but he's always so touchy and over my shoulder! He needs to learn what personal space between us is sometimes, damn.

I tense up when I sense Killer B's chakra getting closer. "Okay I'll be watching, don't die!" I say before disappearing in a flock of crystal ravens. Karin scoffs at me exit and shoo's away some of the birds. "Gosh even her exit is too flashy." She angrily grumbles much to Sasuke's irritation, though he does nothing to show his annoyance.

I re-appear on a mountain not too far away from the platform team Taka are on, giving me a pretty good ariel view of whats soon to come. It's a dead silence as I wait and I can't help but frown, wishing that Isamu were here with me to pass by time.

I haven't seen him since we split up before my big fight with Pein, but I sadly do know what happened to Isamu. He was taken by the leaf shinobi. Now I don't know the status of my brother or my summoning, and to say that it's driving me insane is an understatement.

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