Chapter 53 🌙 part 2

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Authors Note:Just so you know, this is an extremely long chapter and it my longest up to date. You have been warned lol.

••In the Leaf village••

"Shizune, do you have any reports back?" Tsunade asks, not being able to tear her eyes away from the large window in her office. The day is cloudy and gloomy, rain threatens to fall in waves from the sky. But that's not what has her so entranced.

The far away image of a demon in the form of a raven sends chills down her back. It's far away enough so that it doesn't pose a direct threat to the village, but Tsunade knows where the raven is located. It is at the Oshiro tower. The last time this happened was seventeen years ago, when the mother of Shinji Oshiro died, and his sealing took place.

The image will forever haunt her. The sight of a little baby orphaned only minutes after birth, and the sight of a demon being sealed in him. Tsunade will never forget the birth of Shinji Oshiro. It truly is a small world, Tsunade never thought that the young, calculated, and cold child will grow up to be the most important person in her cousins life.

Who would've thought that he was family?

Tsunade often thought about Shinji Oshiro when his connection to Haru became known. She pitied him because he was never freed from his mental cage. All she saw in his blue eyes whenever she encountered him was a pain and sufferings.

The dangerous world of Shinobi is no place for a child, yet he was brought up war torn and with a target on his back. He's seen terrible things, he's done worse. He never had time to smile, or to be a kid. He never had the opportunity to make friends and socialize with kids his own age. He never had the chance to meet his parents.

His life turned around when he found Haru. He finally found his family and vice versa. Though she wasn't much, she was all he needed. When Shinji med Haru, he finally had time to laugh and smile. When he met Haru he could say he made a friend, and when he met Haru he could finally say that he had a family.

Tsunade thought about all of these things, and her eyes began to sting the slightest bit. No tears fell, she wouldn't allow herself to cry over something like this. She sometimes thought about his birth and his life, but never his end. Tsunade never thought that she would see the end of Shinji Oshiro, and the sight is something that she will never forget.


It's felt like hours since my battle with Pein commenced, though I do not know how long this battle really has been. All I do know, is that the amount of huge animal summonings that i've killed are above the tens. Blinded by rage, I haven't really realized that my chakra has even been activated. I don't give myself time to think. I only give myself time to attack.

I am well aware though, that my appearance has drastically changed. This is like the time I fought Orochimaru at the bridge and my appearance changed then as well. Though unlike last time, I still have a sense of rationale this time around. I can calculate all my actions despite being on killer mode.

Pein must have wanted me in this state. He had to provoke me somehow someway, was killing two of the closest things to me his form of provocation? Well I have no fucking idea at this point.

Added to all of that, I have yet to figure out what the hell Pein actually is. I'm sure that when my brain is not rage induced and hellbent on murder, I'll be able to figure it out.

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