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Lila could see him standing in the doorway.

The sunrise coming in from the window illuminated his perfect form. He's a wall of lean muscle. His shoulders are broad, his skin is tawny and tight.

His back's to her as she stayed in bed. A bed of furs, of comfort, of satisfaction.

It's a dream. It has to be. Nothing this perfect existed in real life. Not in Lila's real life.

In this dream, she knew this stranger, if that were possible. His name is on the tip of her tongue, but she can't fully recall it when she goes to call for him to come back to her.

She didn't feel like herself, for there was such peace in being with this man that she never thought could be possible.

Lila was safe. She was complete. Her anxieties, her fears, her feelings of inadequacy, long thrown out the window he stands facing...

Lila's eyes opened lazily, the brightness shining from overhead causing her to wince more than she did over the pain in her joints and skull.

"Lila Marcetti?"

She heard her name being called with hushed concern.

When she's able to focus, to fully come out of the lovely dream, she's struggling to recognize the man in blue scrubs.


She asks as the room spins behind the kind eyes staring down at her from the side of her bed.

A chart is in his hands, or a folder, or something. It's still all too blurry to make out.

All she could take note of were his eyes. Brown, like hers. Soulful, glittery with amber spots, if that was the right way to describe them. His hair is black, and his skin, oddly enough, a match to the man in her dream.

Wondering if she dreamt still, she shut her eyes. Hoping, that the room stopped spinning if she found the strength to open them again.

He's leaning down over her. She can feel it. His breath is a warm flutter on her cheeks. Not sure what he's doing till the air tube in her nose starts to move, she realizes he's tending to her.

"Open your eyes please, Miss Marcetti. I need to see them," he's soft, yet stern enough to trigger her to obey.

His hand cups the non-bruised side of her face and a small light from his hands shines into her sensitive eyes. Wincing, she's not sure he got much of anything when he turns the mini flashlight away. He definitely was pretty to look at, or maybe it was the delirium making him seem so...magical?

Telling herself she must've caught sight of him before those dreams, that caused her to have those visions, she then tries to figure out just where the hell she was now, in this strange cloudy world.

"Where am I?" she asks, making her educated guesses the best she can but hopes she's wrong all the same.

He replies as he jots something down on that noisy chart of his, "You're in the hospital, Miss Marcetti. Marcetti...is that Italian?"

She'd answer the question she'd been asked a thousand times before, with her ethnically ambiguous appearance leading most white folks to peg her as Asian.

"Yes. I'm a lot of things. What am I doing here? Who are you? Are you my doctor?" she asks.

"I'm your nurse," he replies, but he didn't fit the bill in the stereotypical role Lila had in her head. He then diverts, "Do you remember anything that happened to you?"

Words. They hurt. A lot. Especially, serious ones, that didn't come right away.

"Uhh, yeah I was attacked in an alley near my hotel. Something saved me...I don't think it was a person...or it was a group of people...I don't know. An animal, I think did it, something brown..."

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