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Fang took the raw steak into his dirtied hands and gnawed the bloodied meat with ravenous desire.

They had been feeding him the delicious meat all week, which meant he'd be fighting again. Fang had learned the feeding methods of the cold ones, since it was all he had to look forward to anymore; his next meal.

What was his name? Fang. What was he before this? Nothing. What is your purpose? Killing wolves.

Whatever he was before he came to this place, was buried away deep in the darkness of the tortured creature's mind. He believed himself to be beast, not man. They treated him as if he were their property and, he was through and through.

Speech was scarce. Growls came naturally. There were a few faces that still managed to linger in his memory. One, being his own kind that they tormented him with from the other side of the invisible barrier earlier.

Familiar faces were tied with pain. The girl of his kind was one he had been forced to hurt, against his will. In turn, she had hurt him in the same way. The vampire doctor stuck him with painful needles and gave orders to have him restrained or beaten. The doctor's kin had been familiar to him as well, each one having their own particular way of injuring Fang.

He did not know why they hated him so, especially the one they called Zachary. The vampire made many visits to Fang at all hours of the night, burning his flesh with the Vasile's brand or lashing him with a silver whip. Those injuries healed quickly, as they always did, but Fang would find little sleep during the night, with the deep wounds from the whip that often left his ribs exposed.

Even now, the flesh barely hung onto his bleeding crouched form as he inhaled his steak. Fang had grown so accustomed to the pain, that it held little resignation for him. Especially, when food came around.

Having just finished, the buzzer rang from over the entrance to his cage. Obediently, Fang rushed to the corner of the room, sitting against the wall as he had been trained. The doctor must be coming to patch up his wounds from Zachary.

Sure enough, Dr. Vasile entered with four vampire guards.

"Alright, let's get you stitched up." He said with disappointment, something that Fang couldn't quite place. The prized fighter went to the restraint chair and sat, as the guards closed the bindings around his arms and legs. "Get him another pair of pants, please. He's got blood all over them. Change the bed sheets too and get someone to mop up this floor."

As one of them did his bidding, the doctor put on his gloves and started threading his needle, before starting to clean up his wounds to the best of his ability. "I apologize that Zachary did this. He went too far this time." He said with a hint of grief.

Fang's eyes narrowed up on the cold one's face. He barely recognized his words, just the name of the one who had hurt him last night. His son had come into the room and electrocuted him with one of the tasers, leaving him paralyzed as he repeatedly beat him with the whip. Fang hadn't understood what he had done wrong, even now he wondered what had evoked such rage from the vampire.

They sat in silence as Dr. Vasile patched him up, neither capable of speaking any words.

After he was bandaged, Fang was left by the doctor, only to be retrieved by Zachary's personal staff minutes later.

He let them restrain him in the chair and wheel him out, going down new corridors and down an elevator, to a floor he had never been on. Fang's nose twitched against a foul odor that grew. He smelled burning flesh and decay, passing a room with the word INCINERATOR painted on the heavy door.

He didn't know this word, but he knew he was being taken somewhere that his kind didn't tread alive. His already racing heart paced faster and he contemplated fighting his binds, but rationalized that he was no longer in control of his fate. He was outnumbered and defying the cold ones never worked in his favor in the past, so why would it now?

The far door opened with the swipe of an electronic key, revealing a large dark room with flickering fluorescent lighting. Chain restraints hung from the walls at far distances from one another.

On one, the bones of a werewolf were locked in and hung hauntingly.

Fang's eyes went wide as he was shocked with a taser and familiarly paralyzed. He was physically removed from the chair and chained to the wall, hanging limply and unable to fight until feeling would come back into his muscles. The linoleum floor beneath him was stained with blood of the ones who had died here before him.

The smell of their final moments still protruded against his heightened senses, encompassing him with terror that his road would end here.

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