19 ☽

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"This is the floorplan of their base of operations."

The large white map of the Vasile's hidden arena, is marked with red ink all over. A strategy, the route out, that the alpha's little brother, had managed to escape from.

For months, the remaining Seattle pack debated, argued, and gathered intel.

The survivors, the free, gathered around the illustration. All of them, desperate, to bring back the pivotal members, their family, their friends. Bentley, the escapee of the complex and much younger brother to the alpha captured, came through the center. His tiny finger, lands on the entryway to the fortress marked.

"This is where I come in," He said eagerly, finally taking his place as lead strategist after all their arguing.

Each pack member had their own purpose in this mission. Only a select few, would be splitting off from the pack coordinated outside. Bentley, was one of them.

"I've been told that Morganna is being held here." Bentley trailed his finger along the path he'd take, landing on a small room just beyond a secured corridor.

Looking up to meet their human matriarch, Grace, his great aunt, the worry lined in her aged eyes. Though she couldn't speak, her expression spoke volumes, that the entire pack felt in the energy of the room.

Bentley's sure finger went to a different entryway, on the opposite side of where he'd be entering.

"Elan, Hunter, and Kyler are going to infiltrate the arena on this side, once the event has started...but only...when the hallway is clear! Trust me, guys, the fangers are quick. If there's a chance, we gotta take it. There is no easy entry to the fight ring. Security is all over the place and keys are needed to access the fighting pit." Bentley took a deep breath after he voiced the decisions that may very well end each of their lives. "You have to travel down this hallway, right here, and then go through the hidden corridor. There, you'll find the leech who's going to help save the rest of our pack."

Hunter shook his head as he watched the impossible path being traced. He interjects, "That's a hell of a long way to run without someone seeing us. You sure your inside vamp can be trusted? What if this is a trap to get the rest of us? You got alpha blood in ya too, kid."

Bentley pipes back, "I'm not saying this is going to work, but this is the only chance we have. This blood sucker doesn't have my full trust! None of them ever will, you know that! He's going to make it a lot easier for us. He told me he can take away the powers that some of them have. He promised that he'd send us vampires that'll fight with us. He helped me escape, Hunter. It's how I got out!"

Hunter growls, "No way I'm allowing any fanger to be at my back!" The eldest male wolf then slams his fist down at the table, but all of them were so used to his outbursts that they barely flinched at his actions. Hunter's eyes begin to glow as he continues, "I'm not gonna end up as one of their pets, kid! You are puttin' way too much faith in these creeps that took our alpha! He's one of the ones that hunted for us! I've said this a hundred times and I'm gettin' tired of sayin' it, but I'm not letting you get the rest of us captured or killed! It's time to let them go. It's time for a new alpha."

Tired of Hunter's mouth and blasphemy, Bentley's little clenched fist quiets him.

As Hunter's anger escalates from the blow, frustrated tears stream from young Bentley's strained eyes as he screams, "They have my brother! They have Morganna! They have Adonis! They killed all of our pack females! They tried to kill me!" Bentley gasped for air between his sobs, as Hunter looked down in shame.

Bentley adds, "Stay here if you're too much of a coward to try and save them, but I'm going with or without any of you!" No words passed between the terrified team of wolves, as Bentley struggled to compose himself. Grace's hand finds his shoulder to comfort him as a thick coat of silence settles over all of them.

After several painful moments, Hunter apologized. "I'm sorry, Benny-pup. I want them back too. I'm only havin' a hard time believing that this leech doesn't have a motive of his own. What did he say was in it for him? Who is this guy?"

Bentley feared releasing the information about to leave his lips, for his ally's confidentiality remained the key to the Vasile's undoing.

With another deep breath, the youngest of them confesses, "He told me that the Vasile's have a major rift in the family. He said the mind-reader-one, has gone mad.  The rest of them, the children of the doctor, anyway, don't trust him anymore. He's causing problems. He's taking a lot of their money, stole it. He told me that this vampire is also a favorite of Dr. Vasile, so he gets away with a lot. He needs our help to bring down Zachary and Darius. He said that he's leaving their clan with his wife."

Hunter clenched his fists impatiently as he fought his flying temper. "So we're really just playing devil's advocate? Saving our own and leaving the possibility for Judas Cullen to come after us again. We are prizes for them, Benny. They think we're trash and that they're above everything and everyone else. If you think that any one of those gambling pricks aren't gonna see the dollars in our hides, then you're stupid to think they won't come back lookin' for us."

"It's all we got, Hunter." Kyler adds, showing his support for Bentley, as the rest do.

"It's a trap, I know it." Hunter sighed under his breath, staring down at the map with hopelessness and defeat against the pack majority.

"So when do we do this thing?" Elan locked eyes with Hunter, before nodding to Bentley. The rest of them, only six that remained outside of Grace, would be going on the suicide mission.

"We go with the blood moon," Hunter answers, "It's our only chance. It's our last chance."

"Why's it our last chance?" Elan asked.

Bentley answered with a heavy brow, "Because the fanger told me that he's going to fight Adonis and it will be his last fight."

Kyler, confused, like the rest albeit Hunter, asked, "Adonis still stands a chance. He's won every other fight except for his last one!"

Bentley, quiets, unsure how to tell them. Mainly, he's unable to voice what the vampires are forcing his brother to do.

"What? What is it?" Elan asks.

"They're going to fight him against Benjamin." Hunter does the favor in answering and taking in the kindness, Bentley nods to Hunter with the tears rimming his eyes.

Hunter explains further, "Being injured, Adonis won't stand a chance. They've even mentioned rigging it over what happened last time, since the sickos are pissed from the turnout. The Vasiles are going to win back their customer's favor and the money they lost."

With all this information, Hunter admittedly, started to believe that maybe this vamper that helped Bentley escape was on their side in this. After they were freed, however, Hunter wondered just what the hell the fanger would want.

Hunter tries to comfort the hush of the younger wolves around him with, "In and out. We get them, we leave. Try not to shift. I want to know all the damn exits in this place - along with everything about this Vasile brother helping us out."

Hovering tightly over the map, his muscled arms tighten. Hunter pushes down onto the table with his closed fists, the rest huddle closer to the map. Hoping, they'd memorize it before the coming full moon that undoubtedly, would see blood on both sides.

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