Arc 3.10

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Jae-Hwa looked at his phone as soon as he stumbled out of the bed. Jung-Hwan had just woken up as well which is why he immediately informed Jae-Hwa of the time. The twins didn't really have a specific time to arrive at their job since they gave a key to the Manager to be the opener. It had slipped their mind that Jae-Hwa worked as an 'employee' instead of taking a back seat in his Shop. 

"Sister is going to kill me," Jae-Hwa shouted as he noticed all the missed calls and text messages. He didn't scroll through them and instead called her immediately.

On the first ring she picked up. 

"Jae-Hwa?! Are you okay?? You're not hurt? Where are you? I'll come get you right away! Don't worry about the customers, I already canceled all the appointments and sent back the down payments."

"Sis, I'm so sorry," he attempted to assauge her, "I. . spent the night somewhere and I forgot to set an alarm."

He couldn't say that he had been fucked senseless and accidentally slept past the time that his body naturally wakes up.

"You.." she let out a deep breath before continuing, "Nothing is wrong? You're not hurt?"

"No. I'm fine I promise."

"Thank goodness," she said and it sounded as though she had been crying. Jae-Hwa felt terrible. He knew that she was worried since their parents had gone out one night and never returned. 

"I'll come home now. It's good that you canceled the appointments though. I need to talk to you about a bunch of stuff."

"Does this have to do with why you missed work?"

"Well, sort of," he answered vaguely, "I'll be home in a half hour."

"Okay. Be safe," she said before clicking the phone off. They didn't really say 'goodbye' since it sounded to concrete. 

Jae-Hwa turned around to stare at the two men in the bed who were staring back at him with heated eyes. He looked down and noticed all the bite marks, hickeys, and the most prominent thing, he was completely naked. 

His face heated up before he walked to grab his clothes from the floor and began putting them on. 

"Where ya goin, lover?"

"My sister has been crying," he answered.

"What's wrong," Jung-Hwan asked. 

"You know that our parents passed away?"

"Yes," they both answered. 

"Well.. I was in the car that day."

Both men's eyes widened and stood to approach him. Jae-Hwa wasn't the original owner of this body but he still had those memories; memories of loving parents ... and ... of their last moments here. He finally opened up about that day to these two men.


Jae-Hwa had been only nine years old and his sister had been seventeen. That was the day that they were planning to head to Glass Beach but Min-Yung suddenly got sick with the flu. She didn't want Jae-Hwa to miss the beach because he had been looking forward to it, so she convinced them to leave her at home while they took him.

They'd been driving down the winding roads next to the mountain to reach the spot they usually went to and had driven around a bend when a car drifted into their lane. Their car had pushed the drunk drivers car in the opposite direction, saving his life, and theirs broke the guardrail and began flipping its descent down the side of the mountain. 

A few trees slowed its momentum a bit but there was no way to stop its forward descent. Jae-Hwa's mother had been sitting in the back seat with him at the time and had wrapped her arms around him before huddling on top of his small body to prevent shards of glass and further injury to happen to him. 

Unfortunately, this didn't save her in the end. A large shard of glass had broken off and lodged into the back of her neck, where her spine was. His father had been impaled by a tree branch and Jae-Hwa had a few injuries himself. He'd passed out within his dead mother's arms and didn't wake until he was inside of a hospital room with Min-Yung sitting next to him.

Her nose and eyes had been puffy and dark circles shadowed her face. She was passed out in the chair while holding Jae-Hwa's tiny hand even though she had been sick. 

That was the day that Min-Yung began being afraid of the moments her brother wasn't within her sights or know where he was. 

~Flashback End~

He had those memories that the original Jae-Hwa had but unlike the original, he could see and hear things that the other didn't. He heard his father yelling at them to brace themselves and the moment when he was impaled on a branch with a pained grunt and the last breath he took. Jae-Hwa could hear his mother sobbing and begging for her baby to be alright. And he knew that his mother had known the moment her most beloved husband had left this world; her sobs getting a little thicker. 

Although the entire thing happened within a blink of an eye and they were thrashed around by the seatbelts... everything was crystal clear. 

Jae-Hwa felt someone's hand on his face and blinked himself from his thoughts. Jung-Hwan was wiping the tears off his cheeks that had spilled from his eyes.

"I'm sorry that we brought something sad up," Jung-Hwan said with compassionate eyes. 

Sang-Ki had a serious look on his face as he said, "Your mother wouldn't want you to be sad. She protected you until her last breath to give you a life where you could continue to smile and love. I wish we could've met your parents."

"Yeah. I think they'd like you," Jae-Hwa laughed with tears in his eyes. 

They quickly got dressed and made their way back to the Loft. He would need to talk to his sister about everything.

[Host, don't be too sad. The Original Owner of your body was reincarnated within another world and was placed as the child of his parents again. All three souls were reunited.]

'Heh, there's this type of thing?'

[As long as the wish isn't too difficult it can be fulfilled. Does this ease some of your burdens?]

'Will Min-Yung one day also join them?'

[If that is her wish, yes.]

Jae-Hwa shut his eyes and couldn't help but think about himself. Is that why the twins are able to follow me into the worlds I jump into? Is it merely a wish of mine and they aren't even truly there of choice? Maybe I'm the one imposing my link on them.

Jae-Hwa looked at the men sitting in the car with him and gripped his fist. It didn't matter to him if he was the one locking them up to be with him. He would never give up his Mates. Even if this is a type of forced acceptance. 

They entered the Loft and Min-Yung ran forward to wrap him in his arms. She saw the men behind him and glared fiercely at them.

"So it really was you two that kidnapped my little brother!"

"Sis, it's not like that," Jae-Hwa tried to reason, "I.. love them."

"Yo..You! Fine," she looked back at the two men, "Just know that I still don't accept you but if Jae-Hwa loves you then I won't stop it. Hmph!"

She walked back to sit next to Sang-Hee who was smiling at her stubborn girlfriend. Both the twins were stunned though since this was the first time that Jae-Hwa had admitted his feelings.

They stepped forward to surround Jae-Hwa, even with Min-Yung right there.

"Do you really love us," Jung-Hwan leaned forward to whisper into that flushed red ear.

"Will you truly stay with both of us forever," Sang-Ki leaned forward to whisper into the other ear.

"Ermm, yes? We can say this again later. I need to talk to my sister," Jae-Hwa said embarrassedly before breaking free of them to run to his sister's side and sitting down.

A/N: Another chapter done. I was trying to sleep but then woke to write this chapter. Just have to say that I cried a bit with the crash scene. Wuu.~

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