Arc 6.6

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Jemma had taken off through the parking lot of doom with Marc hot on her heels. Marc found a metal pole sticking out of the ground and yanked it free of the concrete. Luckily his strength was nearly superhuman since the zombies seemed to be overpowering the Humans. Although, he did take notice of some of those in the surroundings using some strange form of magic unintentionally. 

Unintentionally because when he glanced at their faces he noticed the shocked looks on them. 

"Keep up!"

Marc turned forward with the pole and slammed it into two of the things running in his direction. 

"Maybe we should stick to one cart and one of us act as 'soldier'," Marc shouted over the crunching noise of a skull being smashed. 

"With as many as there are, sure."

They hurried through the mass of death and quickly stepped through the shattered glass of the broken automatic doors. People were doing what they had just agreed on and taking up sentinel next to someone who was grabbing the supplies. Marc noticed that some of the Humans were fighting with one another over items. 

"Hit the pharmacy first," Marc called. 

Everyone else would be fighting over food instead of medical equipment and he wanted to make sure they had proper care. They could always find food. 

Jemma didn't ask questions and beelined it towards the Pharmacy at the back of the store. Occasionally, one of them, would grab something from the nearly empty shelves as they passed. All the jugs of water were gone; as were the water bottles. They would need to find water or create something to collect it. 

Everyone seemed to forget about the Pharmacy since the metal divider was down. When they ran up to the side door, it was still locked so Marc kicked it open. 

"Find antibiotics, painkillers and anything else you think it necessary," Marc called out. 

He kicked the door closed behind him and stood sentinel. There wasn't any other way for someone to get in here so that was a plus.

Jemma took off and began shifting through the medications. He remembered that they were actually scientists that took part in a government testing facility. This.. this apocalypse was caused by someone high up. 

He vaguely knew this merely because of how at ease Jemma was at finding everything even when they had medical terminologies instead of the blatant 'antibiotics' labeled. 

"I've got everything. We need to find another research facility and hole up," she said as she ran back to him.

Thankfully she and him were on the same page. 

"There is a way to stop this madness. We just have to figure out how," Marc commented before pushing the door back open. 

A zombie was waiting on the other side. Once it caught their scent it charged. Marc jabbed the pole through it's face and the sickening squelch was music to his ears. 

It had devolved to utter chaos outside of that door. A zombie was tearing into the body of a woman who had been alone with a cart apparently. 

"Grab the cart of stuff," he told Jemma as he stepped forward to slam the pipe down on both female and zombie. Best to kill all those who could be infected. Their brains splattered the floor a crimson chunky red. 

Jemma quickly grabbed the water jug and dried rations from inside the cart and shoved them into the bag she'd snagged from a display case. That would be easier to cart around surely. 

"Let's head to the second base. I'll hotwire a car!"

Marc gave a barely perceptible nod when Jemma looked back at him as they hurried down aisles and dodging the newly risen zombies that previous shoppers had become. When a child zombie appeared Marc had to shut his eyes before crushing the head. 

That was the worst thing he had ever had to do in all his years. He really wished his mates were here at the moment. Or Carmen; like she had been the only one with him at the beginning.

He supposed that having Jemma was a nice substitute, if only she weren't so bloodthirsty and ballsy but that wasn't really a problem for him. Just different from Carmen by a large margin. 

"Do you think Sergeant Dol will be at the second base? We have no way to get in touch with any of the others and after the breach in security that caused this all.. well I'm just not sure who to trust," Jemma said as she slashed out with her knife while carrying the bag. It was a shock how at ease this tiny lady was with killing and looking for all intents and purposes like a soccer mom. 

"I'm not," he paused as he swung the pipe again before continuing, "sure. We will find out when we get there though."

He wasn't sure because he just didn't know anything about this Sergeant Dol. Or anything much else either. 

They made it to the parking lot and watched as people scrambled with their loot away from the zombies or dead bodies. He was positive that if they knew how to hotwire a car they would've taken some of the cars that were abandoned. 

Jemma hurried towards a white honda that had a door open and jumped inside. Marc stood watch and fought off any zombies or Humans that came close. He didn't kill the humans but he did use the advanced martial arts to good use in order to scare them off. He didn't understand how they were stupid enough to keep coming back after watching one of their own and plenty of zombies not making it past him but fear is a strong driving force. 

The car started up. 

"Get in!"

He killed one last zombie before running around the car and jumping in before Jemma tore out of the parking lot; zombies and humans bedamned. Jemma didn't care who got in the way. Marc held on to the 'Oh Shit' bar above his head and prayed to Yses that he could make it through this God Forsaken World.

(Huh. I actually was able to write a chapter fully. Congratulations me. So I got a bit back into the groove so I may start coming back with regular releases. I can only hope.) 

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