Arc 6.10

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(A/N: I know how erratic this past arc has been and I apologize. It's going to be a sort of 'quicky' but just so you know this is a rough draft version of the book and I will be going back later to fix everything and add more to the story. I know a lot of my Readers have wanted closure for universes et c. It won't happen here but I do plan on publishing this on Amazon at some point and if you really enjoyed this book I hope you'll buy the completed and edited version later on. Promise it will be a lot better and less 'scattered'. It'll merely be .99 and honestly with how much time I put into writing I think I deserve that at least. But if you can't afford it that's fine as well. I'm just happy so many people have enjoyed my story this long. Heading on.)

Marc worked himself ragged. Everyone tried to persuade him to get some rest but he didn't really need sleep with his many enhancements and he was working towards getting the hell off this planet as soon as possible. He wasn't sure if it would have to wait until everyone was cured or if him creating a cure would stop the System from keeping him here. 

He'd figured out that it was within the air and entering their systems but seemed to stagnate and morph into something else unless bitten by the dead. He had Jemma bring a zombie within the clinic and also someone who had recently been bitten. 

"Is this really necessary. Why don't we just kill the poor guy before he goes full blown zombie," Jemma asked as they watched the guy on the other side of the glass. 

Said man was currently writhing on a threadbare mattress as the infection began to take place. 

"We need samples of his blood during the transition. Send in the soldiers to restrain him so that we can collect tissue samples as well."

Jemma nodded and left to ask some of the guards to help restrain the man in order for them to enter the room and get the tissue that was needed. 

It was arduous but eventually Marc got what he needed and went back to collecting data. His fingers flew across the keyboard as he entered the genetic makeup and theories on how to reverse the process. It would input the results and tell him whether or not it would work. Each time the bar moved up a bit more gave Marc some more hope. 

He used his own blood and looked at how the virus was stagnant and just fusing with his cells rather than attacking them. He'd done the same with Jemma's blood and noticed that the virus was doing the same with hers as well. However, the zombie bitten man's blood and tissue was being overcome with the virus. 

He knew what to do. It was rather simple. He needed to reverse the process of the pathogen from attacking the other cells. Bringing them back into a symbiotic state where they worked together. Marc quickly calculated what the best solution for it would be and began working out a formula. It would be something like an inoculation to fuse the pathogen better into the body. 

A few hours later and he had something to work with. 

"Give this to him," Marc said to one of the Guards. He handed over a syringe filled with a blue liquid. 

"He doesn't seem like he has much time left," the guard responded.

"Just do it."

Marc watched them go back into the room and shove the needle into the foaming man's neck before quickly leaving. It took longer than expected but after half an hour the man's body stopped twitching and laid still. 

"Is he dead?"

"No. I think his body is healing slowly from the necrosis that had slowly begun to take place. Maybe the pathogen will give him accelerated healing," Marc said as he continued to watch the specimen on the other side of the glass.  

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