Arc 4.1

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A/N: In the previous chapter I said 'red light district' but I meant one from the 'ancient' era. Did they have a different name for these types of areas in that time? If so let me know. 

Sakane Kyuwa could already tell that he was in some sort of ancient world, similar to the kind he ruled over in his second world. It baffled him that Car had said it was a S Class World when it seemed so similar to the previous one. However, there were different species walking these dark streets and he kept his head down to avoid any sort of conflict. 

He found a place to huddle down for a while and took out the small ratty bag that held the meager amount of cash he had. There was barely 3 gold pieces which wouldn't last long but it surprised him that the original owner of the body was able to even collect this much. Copper coins also took up most of the space within the little bag. 

For now, he needed to find a place to sleep for the night. From the memories he had, Kyuwa hadn't known where he'd been sold off to. Although he was fighting the urge to vomit due to the things that were subjected to this body, he held it down in order to examine every memory to find a clue. 

This world was one where many Species lived together but they were constantly being attacked by the Demon Race. In the past five years there was a Demon King that rose from the ranks of Demons and began leading them to 'greatness'. They would conquer entire villages and enslave the citizens within. Kyuwa honestly didn't give a damn about what happened to these people at the moment since they had dubbed him as a Demon. 

He knew for a fact that this body was a normal human as far as 'special abilities' were concerned. Maybe there was a bit of demonic blood in his own but that didn't mean that he would be accepted as one; he was too human. Not good enough for the Demons and too dirty for the humans to accept. This time he was in a really difficult situation. 

Kyuwa attempted to pull up the space but as soon as it popped up it began to flicker and shut off. 

"Damn. Looks like there's still something wrong with the space. I won't be able to pull out the money for now. ."

He stood unsteadily to his feet and hunched his shoulders before sticking close to the dirty buildings and search for some sort of inn or something. It had begun to rain and he continued walking while drenched to the bone and shivering. Soon he came across a rather disgusting looking establishment. A drunken man lay limply outside with a jar of alcohol in his hands as he leaned against a barrel. 

Kyuwa stepped into the establishment and met with an unhealthily large barmaid who was cleaning a glass with a dirty towel. 

"Watcha want?!"

Her grating voice seemed to hit Kyuwa's heart as he kept his head lowered and asked, "Is there any rooms available."

"Gotta room for one gold a'night," she said casually.

One gold a night? This lady is clearly trying to rob me. 

"Nevermind then. Thank you for your hospitality ma'am," he said through his chattering teeth.

She paused with wiping the cup and said, "Give two ov'em coppas an you can stayuh nate."

Kyuwa blinked his red eyes as he stared furiously at the floor. 


She slammed the glass on the table and Kyuwa jumped in fright before scurrying forward to pull the two coppers from the pouch. 

"Thank you, Miss."


She tossed him a metal key with a wooden block crudely carved with a number five on it. He followed the small hallway to the back of the poorly made inn and found the number five before unlocking the rusty door. The inside was nothing much and it looked more like an enlarged closet than anything. There was a straw bed set on stone blocks in the corner for the customer to sleep on. 

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