Arc 7 Prologue

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"Alright Children! It's time for you to go along now," a voice spoke up and spooked the three occupants of the room.

Carmen, Midori and Motoki were currently trying to keep themselves busy but were failing utterly. Yses' voice startled them out of their own minds. 

"What do you mean," Motoki asked as he stepped forward to block access to the two women. 

"Exactly what I meant. Your 'Mother' has finished the S-Class world and gained enough K.P. to reform his body within the Source Energy. You'll be joining him since you're technically just souls like he is. Off you go."

He made a shooing motion with his hands and both Motoki and Midori disappeared from the System Space.

Carmen looked sad. Yses watched his 'daughter' and realized how much she's evolved. 

"If you wish to join them, you may. Nothing will hold you back. Plus, I have it on good authority that one of those ragamuffins are your soulmate."

"Really? Father Yses, I can join the human world?!"

"Not like that, you can't! I'm going to place you within the Source Energy. Maybe you'll become some sort of miracle."

Before she could respond, Yses banished her into the Source Energy.

"Well.. now that that funs over.. Who else should I pick on?"


Within the Source Energy laid four prone bodies slowly assimilating and becoming more. Jia Yi Rougang's previous black hair turned white from the amount of Source Energy within himself. He was literally all that was and could feel the resonance of the Planet and Solar System he lived on. Next to him, Midori was going through a similar change to her body. She began to absorb more Source Energy until her hair was nearly as white as her mother's own. The planet had saw fit to make her an omega. 

Motoki seemed to bulk up more and grew a few more inches to his already tall height. Half his hair turned white while the other stayed black, matching his fathers' hair. When they both opened their eyes, they glowed with power from the Source Energy. 

Carmen was a special case though. When her 'code' touched the Source Energy it began to figure out the perfect form for her to take. She wasn't a soul but she had built up enough of a personality that in a sense she amassed her very own. It was a strong 'soul' too. Her previously demure body began to grow lean muscles and bulked out to a state where you wouldn't need to guess her status. She had become fully Alpha as was part of this Universe. Instead of the white of her counterparts, her hair turned pitch black and reached to her knees, crackling with energy. 

As they were remade, the World mourned the loss of a genius known as Jia Yi Rougang. And Sal reaped the benefits.

Not for long.

System: Transcending Happiness (BoyxBoy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant