Arc 5.5

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A few weeks had gone by and Lusca had spent that time with his Mates but also attempting to figure out how to block the Protagonist from gaining the evidence of the Merfolk and presenting it to the Humans during a Press Conference for the Preservation of the Ocean. Lusca honestly could only think of a few ways of blocking this event from happening.

First one would be to kill him which would be the easiest option out of the few he had come up with. However, there was risks with this since Lusca was technically an 'outside' source. If he killed the Protagonist himself, he ran the risk of the World booting him from within.

Second option would be to join the party of explorers who would eventually head into the Ocean in order to search for 'endangered' species that needed preserving. With this option there was also risks of the Humans figuring out Lusca is a Merman. Once any of the Merfolk step within the Ocean their bodies usually revert back to its original form. It's very difficult for them to hold the Human form they take on land, within. Not many of the Merfolk can stay Human beneath the surface.

Lusca's last choice for preventing the event from happening.. was to beat the Protagonist to it. If he gained the public's opinion on saving the Ocean, Generosb wouldn't have the need to deep dive into the depths of it and find the City of Merfolk. With this option, he didn't necessarily run any risks aside from dehydration and possibility of damage to the head if careless. Like Humans, except in Human's case it's oxygen, if Merfolk aren't in touch with the Ocean's water the brain begins to falter with it's functioning capabilities. This also works the same with their other organs.

Tullius and Laeksces were both trying to help Lusca with ideas but all they had come up with was executing Generosb and resolving everything that way.

"Still trying to figure out what to do to avoid the plot development," Motoki asked as he walked into the 'dining room' where Lusca was sitting.

Lusca was sitting at a table made of driftwood and stuck to the floor by weights traded from a Merperson who had traveled to the Human City. Merfolk didn't have a wide variety of things to eat since it wasn't really necessary but the more rich Merpeople would indulge in eating sea urchins, electric eels, and other exotic oceanic creatures. Most of the 'poor' Merpeople simply snacked on seaweed, raw fish, or clams.

At the moment, Lusca was lost in thought as he continued prying open the dozen or so clams and shucking them. 

"Where's your lovely Mate," Lusca asked instead of answering. It wasn't his son's responsibility to figure out how to fix the messed up plot so he decided to ask a different question to avoid the topic. 

Motoki knew his mother was trying to change the subject out of concern for himself so decided to allow it. 

"He was called by his Father for something and had to leave for a bit."

Lusca noticed his son being downcast and chuckled a bit before saying, "So you understand how strong the Mate bond is now? I remember when you used to be irritated with Midori because she would always cry when Car had to go back to Yses occasionally."

"Why you talking about me behind my back," Midori asked as she swam into the dining room with Carmen next to her. Both women looked as though they had just been doing naughty things. 

Car looked extremely shy and embarrassed whereas Midori had a smug look on her face as though she had just climbed Mount Everest and made it back alive after reaching the top. Lusca shook his head with a smile still on his face. 

Lusca was really happy with the family he had and the chance at having a life, given to him by Yses and Car. 

"Your brother is finally understanding the pain you were going through every time Car left for a while," Lusca answered his daughter. 

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