Chapter 1

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It was a rainy day. Truly, water was pouring down heavily like waterfalls and you could hear thunder rumbling from the distance every now and then. It made everything kinda gloomy, or that was what Lucy thought when she was looking out from one the guild house's windows.

"Is it never going to end?" she sighed as Mirajane stepped beside her to bring some tea. "I swear, it's like Gray ditched Juvia on a date or something."

"I really hope that is not the case", Mirajane chuckled. "The rain will stop soon I'm sure of it. How are things going with Natsu?" she asked curiously yet also just a little bit mischievously, making Lucy blush.

"W-well..." she stuttered and tried to act like there was no certain Fire Dragon Slayer sleeping on the couch, head on her lap. "Fine, I guess?"

"Still clingy?"

"Yes... But I'm getting used to it."

"That's good", Mirajane smiled. "Don't worry. The season won't last forever, only a couple of weeks. Just make sure to use protection", she smirked making Lucy blush fiercely this time.

"I-it's not like we're doing something like that..." she said quickly.

"Oh?" Mirajane asked tilting her head just a bit. This was a surprise.

"No! Of course not! He's just clingy, that's all!"

"Really? Then I guess the season won't affect him that much", Mirajane hummed. "He's a lucky one. I guess then Gajeel won't be that bad either with Levy. Maybe it's because of their age? But then Laxus..." she muttered and she looked towards the table where she knew the Thunder Legion usually sat. Lucy followed her gaze and immediately she felt chills run down her spine.

Laxus was sitting there and she could almost feel how anger and frustration was slowly building up inside of him. Tiny sparks were emitted from the blond hair and his eyes were tightly shut like he was just listening to his old headphones, but they could see he was clenching his jaw.

He was looking absolutely terrifying. He was ignoring everything and everyone and all mages in Fairy Tail had decided it would be the best if they wouldn't approach the Lightning Dragon Slayer without a really good reason.

"He is... Really scary..." Lucy almost whispered while shivering. "Is it because of the mating season?"

"Most likely", Mirajane nodded. She was more worried than frightened because of Laxus, but she understood why so many were scared of him now. "Laxus is older than Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy. It seems like it hits him harder."

"But I'm so glad it won't affect Wendy yet", Lucy said. "And thankfully it only happens once in every ten years. Laxus just had bad luck, being older than others."

She glanced over Laxus again, now slightly curious.

"So why is he like that? Doesn't he have a mate?" she asked looking back at Mirajane.

"He has", Mirajane said with a smile. "He's waiting. It's been already a week since the season started and his mate hasn't yet came back so it's making him frustrated. But he will wait."

"So... You and him are not...?" Lucy carefully asked, making Mirajane chuckle.

"No, we are not a thing", she said. "I guess you all thought that was true?"

"I guess... Is it Cana then?"


"Lisanna?" Lucy suggested, though it seemed very unlikely.

"Never", Mirajane laughed. "You'll see soon, they should arrive at any minute now."

"They? So... You mean it's someone from the Thunder Legion?" Lucy gasped and Mira nodded. "It's Freed! I knew it!" the blond girl giggled excitedly.

"We all knew they would happen eventually", Mirajane smiled. "I'm sure Laxus would have left to find him a long time ago, but he doesn't know where he is on a mission currently. So now he's just waiting for him to come back. He's been here every day, from early morning until late at night. He would stay here even through nights if he could."

"But are you sure about it?" Lucy asked, tousling her fingers through the pink hair as Natsu muttered something in his sleep. "I mean, he could be waiting for someone else..."

"I'll show you", Mirajane said giving her a smirk, heading back to the bar.

Lucy followed how Mirajane took drinks on her tray and left to serve. She stopped near Laxus, who didn't care what was happening around. The white haired mage spoke happily with Levy and Gajeel for a moment, peeked towards Laxus and suddenly said "Freed" a little louder so Laxus would definitely hear it.

Lucy flinched when Laxus's eyes shot open and immediately he turned his head towards guild doors, his orange eyes full of enthusiasm. Then there was confusion as he kept searching but not finding his mate. Lucy did feel a bit bad when she saw how disappointed Laxus was but it only lasted a second as that all turned to anger and he glared towards Mirajane who just smiled happily.

Lucy couldn't help but giggle even if she could hear clearly how Laxus was growling when he realised Mirajane was messing with him. That was just too funny. Maybe a little bit childish joke, but still funny.

It was clear as a day. Laxus really was head over heels for Freed. But that was good, since everyone knew that Freed had it just as bad for Laxus.

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