Chapter 38

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Freed arrived at the house when the fireworks already started to lighten up the sky above the city. He just shut the door behind him and took off his boots and coat, making his way to the closet. He took out Laxus' big old backpack and put it on the bed in the bedroom, starting to go trough what was needed for the mission.

It was not like it was the first time he packed everything ready for Laxus, but it was worrying that he didn't know where he was going and what he would do on this mission. Makarov didn't tell anything about what the missions contained. But if they were picked up to choose who would be the next Master of the Fairy Tail... They were not just some simple missions.

After packing the first-aid kit, clothes and a blanket, he sat down on the bed for a moment. He really wanted to go on this mission with Laxus but he couldn't. How could he make sure Laxus would be okay? What if something really would happen on the mission...

Freed snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the front door opening. Big shoes hit the floor in a familiar way that told him Laxus had come home. He should just get up, wish him good luck and whatever Laxus wanted for them to happen, he only needed to accept it.

So why couldn't he get up? His legs refused to listen to his rational thoughts. He heard footsteps from the hallway and his hands started to shake suddenly. Why couldn't he control himself?!

Laxus stepped on the room and looked at his green haired mate who was sitting at the edge of the bed. It pained him to see Freed looking at him so terrified and ready to cry at any second.

"Laxus..." Freed said and his voice broke.

"Don't talk, just listen", Laxus said stepping in front of the rune mage. "I know what you're thinking. You are wondering why I didn't say something. You are freaking out because you think I'm doing some shit like ditching you while leaving or something similar. I won't do that", he assured.

"If you knew how I was going to react, why didn't you say anything?" Freed muttered.

"First of all I didn't know how to tell this to you without making you worry all the time", Laxus huffed. "Then I needed to think of a way how to make sure you would absolutely be sure everything will be alright and nothing would change while I'm gone."

"You could have just said so", Freed said and stood up now. "Do you have any idea how I was feeling when I had to hear about this mission from your grandfather, not directly from you? You're about to be away for two months! You had so many days time to tell me!"

"And if I told you, then what? You would act brave, smile and be like nothing is wrong but still worry like hell and overthink everything? I can see it when you're in pain, Freed", Laxus said caressing softly Freed's cheek, making him blush slightly. "I don't like seeing you in pain."

"That is not a valid reason to leave me out of this", Freed muttered. "Just because you don't want to see me worrying is not a good reason not to tell me something like this before you are just about to leave because guess what, I am going to worry no matter what and I know overthinking is something I often do but I can't stop."

"I understand, Freed", Laxus said kissing Freed's forehead. "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you before. You know I'm going to miss you like hell, righ?" he asked wrapping his arms around Freed.

"I know now", the swordsman said smiling slightly sad, tugging Laxus' purple shirt in his hands. "I'm going to miss you too... I would definitely come with you but Master forbid it."

"Yeah, we are not allowed to take anyone with us, we are only allowed to rely on our own skills."

"Let's just hope you don't need to talk too much..." Freed chuckled, making Laxus laugh.

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