Chapter 85

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As the weeks moved on, Freed got more nervous every day. Everything was fine according to Porlyusica, but... He didn't remember when was the last time he was scared like this. No matter how much he tried to calm himself and explain that everything would go fine. Of course he believed in Porlyusica, she was highly skilled healer and would not let anything happen.

But it was easier to say not to worry than actually do so.

That day they were just about to enter the Guild House when the doors opened and Ever and Bickslow almost dashed out, surprising them.

"Oh", Ever said when they noticed them. "Oh! You guys were just coming here!" she said and her voice was high pitched.

"We were just gonna find you guys", Bickslow said and he too was acting a little bit jumpy, that made Laxus frown.

"What's going on?" he asked. Next to him, Freed could almost hear how there was alarm bells ringing inside his head.

Bickslow and Ever was supposed to grab and take Laxus away in a second Porlyusica would give them a sign. So this was the moment, huh? Freed felt how his hands suddenly started to tremble and he had to use every bit of his control to keep himself calm. He couldn't start feeling scared now, Laxus would never leave if he could sniff the fear and concern in Freed.

This wasn't easy for Bicks and Ever either. It was risky to take Laxus away. When Laxus would realize what was happening, there was absolutely no telling what might happen. But they were the best choices for this mission. They were closest to Laxus after Freed, they had the highest chances to keep him calm.

"Uhm... There's actually an emergency", Ever finally managed to blurt.

"Huuuuge emergency!" 'babies' shouted. "We have to go!"

"Go where?" Laxus asked confused. "What's the emergency?"

"We need to go to Yarrow", Bickslow said.

"Laxus is useful!" the Tiki dolls praised.

"Yarrow?" Laxus frowned. "It would take a whole day to travel there by the train."

"That's why we have to leave right now", Ever said.

"We can send someone else, I'm not gonna leave", Laxus growled putting his hand on Freed's hip.

"Uh... We can't send anyone else", Bickslow said. "Because it's an S-class thing and other mages are needed too."

"So send Erza and her crazy team, I don't give a shit."

"But there's hardly anyone around right now. Mirajane is out and so are Gildarts. Only Erza is here but Natsu and others are on their own missions. She can't go alone. We are the only choice."

"You should go", Freed said looking at his fiancé, doing his very best to keep his voice natural.

"It's so fucking long trip, it might take days", Laxus grunted. "I don't want to go away for that long. What if something happens here?" he asked. He too was well aware how close Freed's time was and he didn't want to be away when it would happen. He wanted to support Freed as much as he could. Do anything at all to make him feel better.

"Everything will be fine", Freed smiled. "You will be back before you know it."

"We have to leave right away", Ever said.

"Laxus, they need you", Freed said. "You must go. Erza can take care of everything while you're gone and I will help her."

Laxus let out a long sigh, as he knew he really couldn't fight against this. It was one of the bad sides of being a Master of a mage guild. If the situation really was severe, they had to take an action right away. Apparently this was one of those moments and he really didn't have much of a choice.

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