Chapter 13

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After packing all the things he believed he would need Freed put on his old red coat, buckled up his belt and left the house with his bag. Now he should go buy some groceries. While on his way to the marketplace, suddenly he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.


He turned around surprised.

"Good morning Levy and Lucy", he greeted the two girls with smile. "And Plue", he chuckled when seeing the white 'dog' who raised its paw as a hello. "You three are up early."

"Good morning Freed", Levy smiled. "Doing some grocery shopping for Laxus?" she smirked knowingly.

"Maybe", Freed admitted. "He would never buy nothing but beer and pizza if someone else wouldn't take care of filling his fridge."

"That's really sweet, Freed", Lucy smiled. "You're taking such a good care of him. So what are you doing for breakfast?"

"I'm not actually sure yet."

"Aww, I'm sure he'll like everything you do", Levy smiled patting Freed's shoulder. "I've heard that your cooking are delicious!"

"I just do my best for my team", Freed said with a modest nod.

"And to your Thunder God", Lucy chuckled making the man blush slightly. "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to tease you", she assured. "But I really hope I could sometime taste your cooking. Erza told me she once tasted a cake you made and she absolutely loved it! She said she would give anything to have more."

"You're giving me too much credit", Freed smiled. "We have many good cooks in our Guild and comparing skills is pointless when everyone has their own speciality."

"Always so humble", Levy chuckled.

"So where are you two heading?" the swordsman asked curiously. "How come Natsu and Gajeel are not with you?"

"They're still sleeping", Levy explained with a shrug. "This is the only time of the day when we can go somewhere by ourselves without them hanging around and we decided to just walk around. I guess Laxus is a late-sleeper too?"

"That is correct", Freed laughed. "How are Natsu and Gajeel going to react when they realize you are gone?"

"Gajeel usually stays somewhat calm", Levy said and they started walking across the marketplace. "Until someone says one word wrong and then he loses it."

"Natsu just starts to run around the town and yell and be stupid like always", Lucy sighed and Plue just hummed something nonsensical while tiptoeing ahead of them.

"Natsu is unique that's for sure", Freed smiled and bought some ingredients from a booth and they continued on around the market.

"Not sure if that's good or bad..." Lucy mumbled rolling her eyes.

"He cares about you deeply, that is always a good thing."

"How is Laxus going to react when he realizes you're gone?" Levy asked curiously.

"I left a note for him", Freed said. "He shouldn't worry if he happens to wake up before I'm back."

"I did that too with Gajeel and it didn't go as planned."


"Yeah, this season makes them go crazy", Levy said. "They just want to stay close all the time and are suspicious of everything."

"Yeah, they are extremely jealous", Lucy added. "I mean... They don't think that we would cheat on them, but they don't trust other people to keep their hands away."

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