Chapter 20

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It felt like it took forever but finally they arrived at Laxus' house.

"For a moment I thought we would never arrive", Freed sighed and took off his boots. "If you would have let me walk normally or at least use my leg even a little bit -"

"Porlyusica said you should rest it", Laxus said and put his coat on the rack and Freed did same. "And you refused when I offered to carry you."

"It wouldn't have killed me to use my leg even a little", the rune mage said. "We would have arrived faster."

"Well we are here now."

Freed limped on the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Good, Bicks haven't been here", he smiled and lifted the stew on the table.

"You did that?" Laxus asked.

"Yes, yesterday at dinnertime. It should be still okay."

"I'll heat this up, you go sit on the chair", Laxus said and moved the stew pot above the stove.

"You know what? I might just do that", Freed chuckled and let himself to slump on the chair in the living room. "I'm still exhausted because of yesterday."

"Now you have three days to rest."

"Two or three days."

"Three days."

"But if two days is enough -"

"Three days", Laxus said stubbornly and Freed huffed.

"I hope Ever and Bicks won't get disappointed", the green haired mage said. "Maybe they had already planned something."

"It can wait. And speak of the devil", Laxus murmured and almost at the same second the door flew open.

"Baby! You okay?!" Bickslow shouted and Freed gasped when he was pulled in a tight hug. "You guys have been missing since yesterday! Max just told me he saw you two walking in the street and you were using a cane!"

"Owie! Poor Freed!" his dolls wailed and one snuggled against Freed's cheek. "Don't cry!"

"I'm fine, Bicks", the rune mage sighed and pushed 'babies' aside. "My ankle just got strained."

"It was broken", Laxus corrected. "Bicks, hands off", he snarled and Bickslow quickly let go of Freed.

"Sorry. So, did you guys go see Porlyusica?" the seith mage asked.

"Yes, Laxus insisted", Freed nodded.

"Where were you two? In a honeymoon?" Bickslow grinned and his dolls giggled.

"Not exactly", Freed said and shivered when remembering that horrible island and what it held inside.

"We were at the Beetlenest Island", Laxus explained.

"What?! How you managed to drag Freed there?" Bickslow asked surprised.

"Actually I didn't know what there was before I got there", Freed huffed. "But enough about that. Why were you trying to find us?"

"Oh, nothing serious. We were thinking with Ever if we could go to a mission all of us. We found this really good one where we need to help one rich geezer go safely to the other town and we will get three nights there in a good hotel near the beach for free and a good amount of cash."

"Sounds actually really nice", Freed hummed with approval.

"And it's not until two weeks from now so you guys have enough time to concentrate on this mating season first", Bicks grinned making Freed blush.

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