Chapter 15

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After a walk that seemed to last forever they finally got to the house and Freed was glad he got down. He was so embarrassed being carried like that all the way! Laxus didn't seem to care, he just opened the door and stepped inside. Freed sighed and followed after him closing the door.

Laxus stayed silent and just dropped the bags on the floor. Freed picked them up and put the groceries in the fridge and stopped to think what he should do for lunch for them. He couldn't make breakfast for Laxus but maybe a good lunch could help so Laxus wouldn't be so irritated anymore? He hated it when the blond man wasn't saying even a word.

Before he could even start to think what he should make, Freed felt powerful fingers snatch his arm in their grasp and suddenly he was shoved against a wall.

"Laxus", Freed gasped looking at those orange eyes that were now sparking because of anger.

"You didn't tell me where you were going", Laxus said his voice low, placing his hands on the wall both sides of Freed, trapping him.

"I left a note, didn't you see it?" Freed said quickly.

"Some fucking piece of paper is not the same as you telling me yourself where you're going", Laxus grunted. "I thought you agreed with me on this."

"There is no way I could've known leaving a note was not enough for you."

"Instead you went out with those chicks", Laxus said ignoring Freed's words. "What were you guys doing?"

"Are you suggesting that I'm not trustworthy?" the rune mage asked and he frowned.

"I'm suggesting you should answer my questions."

"Fine, we just had some coffee and they told me what they knew about the mating season", Freed said. "I needed to have at least some information about it."

"And you couldn't just ask me?"

Freed just stared at Laxus.

"I... I didn't think of that", he confessed. Of course he should have asked Laxus first.

"I guess you didn't", Laxus grunted. "I might not be smart but even I know something about this shitty season because I'm one of those who has to go through it", he growled.

"I'm not saying you are stupid, Laxus. Don't even dare to try and act like I'm doing so. You don't need to worry at all, you know I'm only friends with Lucy and Levy", Freed assured. "Nothing happened between us."

"Nothing? Those chicks were clinging onto you and you say nothing happened?" Laxus growled.

"What? Wait, is that why you are so angry right now?" Freed blinked. "It meant nothing! It was simply -"

"I don't care!" Laxus roared, almost making Freed jump. "You're mine! No matter the reason no one holds you but me."

"Laxus -" Freed started to object, but his eyes widened when suddenly Laxus kissed him. For a second he forgot how to even breathe and his heart was beating so hard it hurt! He froze completely, only feeling those soft lips. It was a rough kiss but Freed liked it nonetheless.

Laxus stepped closer and pushed himself against him and his arms trapped him in a tight hold. Freed felt a tongue touching his lips and he opened his mouth letting it in. He had no experience but that didn't seem to bother Laxus who clearly wanted to dominate. Freed lifted his hands and carefully placed them around Laxus' neck, running his fingers through the blond hair.

It was intoxicating. Freed's head was spinning when finally they separated from the kiss both panting. It was the best first kiss anyone could ever ask for! At least for Freed it was.

He was still lingering in that beautiful feeling but was waken up when Laxus suddenly yanked him up and stormed towards the bedroom. He had hardly enough time to freak out because of the sudden move when he already got tossed on the bed.

"Wait -!" Freed yelped but his lips were again claimed by Laxus' own, this time it was much more hungry and possessive kiss. Freed didn't deny that it was arousing but Laxus was also scary right now. Like he wasn't thinking at all!

Freed broke the kiss by turning his head and gasped when he felt lips on his neck.

"Mine", Laxus snarled low, his tongue licking the pale skin and Freed realized Laxus was already unbuckling his belt, tossing it and his sword down on the floor.

"Laxus!" Freed wheezed and tried to push the other man away but he could hardly make Laxus back up even an inch. Laxus didn't even listen to him!

Suddenly he could feel teeth scraping against his skin. He froze in a shock, remembering what Lucy and Levy had told him. "Dragon slayers mark their mates." For a moment Freed was terrified because this all happened faster than he could adjust! Laxus was more like a wild beast than the man he knew, unbuttoning his coat and shirt while he tried to squirm away beneath him.

"N-no, Laxus", he panted when a big hand grabbed his hip in its tight grasp to keep the rune mage down and the other hand forced his leg to shift.

Freed shivered when he felt Laxus' hard length through his pants as the blond pressed himself against him between his legs. Laxus was huge! He couldn't help but moan when Laxus moved his hips and big hand grabbed Freed's ass. Even though he was scared of this situation with Laxus behaving so bestial, he felt really good. Good enough that for a moment he actually considered just letting Laxus do what he wanted. He really wanted to know how good it would feel when Laxus -

Freed shook his head quickly. No! This was not right! Right now Laxus was not acting normal and Freed knew he would hate himself if he would let this continue!

Before Laxus could start to unzip Freed's pants the rune mage grabbed a big tuft of blond hair in his grasp and forced the Lightning Mage's head up. He knew it hurt but he had to do it.

"STOP!" he shouted his command and it made Laxus flinch.

Only seconds passed but it felt like minutes. They stared at each other when finally Laxus' orange eyes widened as he recalled the situation. Freed was lying under him, shirt almost ripped off, cheeks burning red and panting because of all the struggling. It was a beautiful sight, but Laxus couldn't enjoy it since he knew that how they ended here was wrong. Very wrong.

He jumped off the bed and Freed sighed relieved.

"Freed..." Laxus whispered looking shocked. What was he thinking? It was like for a moment he had lost all his control over his body! Damn! He almost raped Freed! A mere thought of it made him feel sick and scared!

"Looks like you're back to your senses, that's good", Freed said and he sat up. He ran his fingers through his green hair that was now slightly tangled. "Are you okay?"

"What?" Laxus asked and he couldn't believe his ears. Just seconds ago he was almost forcing Freed to have sex and now he asked if Laxus was okay?

"You were -"

"I know! Fuck! I couldn't control myself at all! It was like... Like some part of me was asleep and there was only instincts left. My only thought was how badly I wanted to claim you and I didn't even care what else might happen!" Laxus blurted and backed towards the door. "In one moment we were in the kitchen and I was still mad at you, then I suddenly kissed you and the next thing I know I was ripping off your clothes!"

"Your dragonside took over", Freed sighed and straightened his shirt. He was still trembling but he was not going to blame Laxus of what happened. Thankfully nothing happened and everything was fine now. "You couldn't help it."

"No! This should not have happened!" Laxus said rubbing his face in self-hatred. "If... Fuck, if I hadn't come back to my senses..."

"Laxus..." Freed said softly.

Suddenly Laxus turned around and before Freed could say anything he was already out of the bedroom. Quickly Freed got out of bed on his shaky legs but he could hear how the front door slammed shut loudly.

The Rune Mage sighed and he sat on the bed. Right now he had absolutely no idea what he should do.

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