Chapter 12

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Freed woke up in the early morning like he usually did. But this morning was nothing like usual for him in any other way. He had fallen asleep in the evening at some point on the couch when they had decided to watch movie and apparently Laxus had decided to carry him to his bed with him.

"Laxus..." Freed gasped trying to move the big blond dragon slayer who was slightly snoring and almost crushing him.

Laxus murmured something in his sleep and moved a little, but his arms were still holding smaller man tightly. Freed sighed. How on earth was he supposed to get up now? He knew Laxus would sleep at least until noon if he could but Freed always woke up early.

With a lot of squirming and carefully moving Laxus' hands he finally managed to get out of bed and huffed slightly. Even when sleeping Laxus' hold was strong. Freed chuckled quietly looking at his Thunder God, short hair all messy and mouth slightly open. He looked so relaxed.

Freed did his best not to make a sound when he sneaked up to the door but at the moment he touched the doorhandle, he jolted when he heard a slow growl from the bed.

"Why are you up?" Laxus asked half-asleep, not opening his eyes.

"Good morning Laxus", Freed said. "I'm just going to take a shower, you go back to sleep", he smiled and could only hear some vague muttering with a loud yawn when Laxus shifted to his other side and Freed could already hear him snoring.

He smiled and stepped to the hallway closing the door after him. He went to take a quick shower and changed back to his own clothes which were now dry.

So what should he do now? It was strange to wake up in Laxus' apartment, it was his first time staying overnight – it didn't count when he spent almost a week here a year ago taking care of sick Laxus – and he wasn't sure what he could do. Maybe at least some breakfast? Something he could heat up when Laxus finally decided to get up.

Freed nodded to himself and walked over to the kitchen opening the fridge. Well... There was not enough groceries to make even a decent breakfast and he wanted to make something really good for Laxus. Maybe he could buy something from the store if he was fast? Laxus would be asleep for three to four hours at least. And if he left a note he would know where he was and wouldn't worry.

Trying his best not to make any noise Freed stepped outside and locked the door. He knew where the spare key was hidden so there was no need to take one with him. Now that he was on his way, he probably should go to their house and grab some things since he didn't know how long Laxus wanted him to stay. Oh, Freed had nothing against the idea of staying forever if possible, but maybe he shouldn't think something like that. Everything was still new and they should take their time.

The weather was sunny again and that was good since Freed didn't have his coat.

Freed opened the door with his own key and stepped inside. Right away he was ambushed by five Tiki dolls who snuggled him and babbled something like "Freed's home!", "We missed Freed!", "Good morning!" or simply "Make breakfast!"

"Morning to you too", Freed sighed closing the door and took off his boots.

"Freed?" Bickslow said suddenly appearing in the hallway still in his pyjamapants and a black t-shirt on. "Baby, how are you already walking?" he snickered and lifted his eyebrows knowingly, making Freed immediately blush.

"Good morning Bicks, if you're implying that we might have done something intimate with Laxus we did not", the rune mage said and he really tried not to let his cheeks burn even redder.

"Oh... Baby you okay? Did you have a headache?" Bicks sighed with fake concern in his voice.

"It is none of your business, Bicks", Freed said.

"Are you disappointed?"

"Bicks! We are not going to continue this", Freed hissed.

"Ooh, he's really disappointed", another voice said and Freed sighed looking at Cana who came down the stairs.

"Good morning Cana", he said. "Did you and Bickslow go out last night?"

"Yes, we had really nice time together", Cana chuckled rubbing Bickslow's shoulders.

"We're going out again tonight", tall man smirked. "There's a new pub called Kolpakko and we decided to go check it out. Dunno what that name means but it sounds promising."

"Well it is good to hear you two get along nicely", Freed said. "Now if you excuse me, I need to go get some of my things."

"What about breakfast?" Bicks whined.

"You are perfectly cabable of doing that yourself, Bicks."

"But we want your pancakes."

"Pancakes! Pancakes!" 'babies' demanded.

"And you know how to make those too", Freed assured.

"C'moon, Freed", Cana chuckled. "Bicks has sung the praises of your pancakes and how he really wanted to have them for breakfast."

Freed sighed rubbing his temples.

"Pretty please?" Bicks begged with a wide smile.

"Please? Please?" his dolls chirped.

"Fine", Freed gave up and raised his hands as a sign of defeat. "But I'm kinda in a hurry so I can't stay after they are done."

"You should make some for Ever too, she is probably hungry when she gets home", Bicks smirked. "She's been with Elfman aaall night and she usually comes back home at this hour."

"Fine", Freed mumbled and took out all the ingredients, the others cheering on the background.

Of course, it was impossible to start doing pancakes and make just few of them. Bickslow ate almost as much as Natsu so Freed flipped pancakes with two pans on the stove.

"There, these are yours and these are for Ever when she comes home", Freed said and brought two plates on the table and put third in the fridge.

"Thanks baby!" Bickslow grinned and spurted plenty of syrup on his pile of pancakes.

"Bicks didn't lie these are amazing, Freed", Cana praised.

"I'm pleased to hear that", Freed said and put his apron on the closet.

"Oh yeah, your coat is in your room", Bicks mumbled while stuffing pancakes in his mouth.

"Really? You already found someone to repair it?"

"Yeah, we found this guy who uses tailoring magic. He fixed your coat just like that", Bicks snapped his fingers. "It's clean and everything."

"Glad to hear that. Next time promise me you try to think before you do something stupid", Freed said. "You should stop doing stupid things altogether."

"That wouldn't be fun at all", Bicks snickered and Freed just rolled his eyes. Asking Bickslow to stop doing stupid things was a hopeless venture from the beginning.

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