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*Jayon's POV*

Everybody in the car had been sleeping by the time we pulled up to Amber's house. I looked at the dashboard, the time was 10:25 pm. I tried to forget me and Dj's little idea we had came up with earlier, the one where we would all chill at my house before 12. I'm assuming that was around the time her mother got off.

I wished her mother wasn't so strict sometimes. All I was trying to show Dj was the time of her life, plus the fact that I loved her. It still felt weird to tell her that. Deep down I knew I meant it, but I also knew we had been saying it to each other too early.

I stopped the car completely, pulling my key out of the ignition. I turned around, tapping Dj's knee to get Amber awake. She had been the only one that could wake her up. I didn't even wanna attempt, especially now that I knew she was pregnant. I looked at my cousin Vincent for a while, who was unaware that his new boo thang had a child inside of her. It fucked me up to know that I would have to keep this shit from him.

"Yeah?" Dj woke up suddenly, her eyes had been half shut but she tried to focus them on me. She was still so fine even when waking up.

"Wake her up, we at her house," I spoke.

She looked irritated with me, so I rubbed her knee softly. She pushed my hand away though, turning her attention to Amber.

Confusion seemed to seep its way into my mind. I knew I couldn't have done anything wrong, if anything I did everything right today.

"Amber? Come on, get up," she said to her, attempting to shake her shoulder. Amber groaned, beginning to wake up with a frown.

"You're home," Dj says, unbuckling her seatbelt.

Amber looked out of the windows, rolling her eyes. "Goodnight," she said to us. "Thanks for the ride Jay, tell Vincent to text me," she continued sleepily. Her words were slurred as she spoke, that's how I knew her pregnant ass was tired.

I threw my hand up in a wave, watching her open and close my door slowly. She walked to the front of her house while I started to put my key back into the ignition.

"Jayon seriously? At least wait till she's inside," Dj spoke, looking at me through my rear view mirror.

"I'm not a parent nor an adult, I don't need to sit here and wait for her to get in safely," I leaned back in my seat, sighing at the fact that I would listen to Dj even when I made it seem like I wouldn't. I noticed her facial expression in the mirror; she looked disgusted. It amused me.

"But look at what you're doing? Exactly what I told you to do," she said, making me irritated.

I picked up my key once again, pushing it inside the ignition. Amber's door had just opened as I did so. I seen her younger brother let her in.

I recognized his face because of the incident I had had with him and his father that one night. I never forgot faces. He didn't see me though, he looked at my car for a few seconds before shutting the door.

"Now drive off," Dj spoke.

"Shut up," I said, hearing her smack her lips.

I started the car, driving down the empty dark road in silence once again.

"Hopefully you remember where I stay from here," Dj said to me after awhile. I ignored her comment. She was clearly trying to annoy me, so when I stopped this car again I would find out why.

Vincent began to move in his sleep. For a second I thought he would wake up, but he didn't. I looked in the rear view mirror at Dj, who had her arms crossed as she gazed out the window. I made a turn into her houses, continuing to drive until I seen her street name.

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