Chapter 2- Out of this world

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After a very long flight, I have finally been paid and am currently on my way to my shared apartment with my father {Deadpool} . I make a detour through the park when I bump into a familiar face. He was wearing a grey jacket and not his normal blue checked shirt.

" It's lovely to see you again Clint." I said causing him to spin around and come face to face with me.

"Do, I know you?" He asked shocked that I knew his name but I am very much to surprised that he doesn't remember me as the kid he picked up from the highway and dropped off in a small farming town.

What it's been eight years, I have changed a lot.

"Maybe, maybe not, see you around Hawkeye."' I said as I turned around and disappeared into a crowd of people but I heard him say, "How did you know my alias?"

I made it to the crappy apartment that my father and I have called home for eight long, murderess, hard years.

"Hey kiddo, I missed you, I have a surprise for you and that gremlin of your." My father called out from the kitchen

"How many times I am I going to have to correct you, Bullet is not a gremlin." I said as I patted bullet's soft black and white fur.

"Whatever just get in here."

I rolled my eyes as I walked into the kitchen to see the lights off.

"Dad why are the lights off." I asked as I turned them on and suddenly I heard three voices yell out a very loud.... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

I was shocked.

Was today my birthday did I really forget?

"Hey kiddo, you okay you look deep in though?" asked my dad

"Yeah it's just I forgot it was my own birthday today." I explained as I saw a cake come out with a small explosive in it.

"Dad, we talked about this, we know you can't bake cakes but please don't have an explosive and cover it with frosting, we don't want a repeat of what happened on my tenth birthday." I said as I started to have a trip down memory lane.


"Okay time for presents then we will go have cake." Said foggy fist punishing the air in excitement.

So times I believe foggy is more excited for my birthday then he is for the holiday, which is celebrated on it. I remember when I first told foggy my birthday was the 1st of July he practical turned into his ... what matt and I refer to as his "Full on fan girl" mood.

"I still can't believe that Captain America and you share the same Birthday, this is very unfair." Foggy pouted making me roll my amber eyes at him.

"I thought you were more team Nelson and Murdock...." I said before Foggy said

"Avocados at law."

"Foggy and Avocado is a fruit not how you say Lawyer in Spanish, to say Lawyer in Spanish is Abogado." I corrected him.

"It sounds like Avocado to me and when did you learn Spanish?"

"When I went to Spain last month for a holiday with dad, I can now speak seven languages fluently." I told him with a smile

"Which ones?"

"I can speak English obliviously so I don't count that one, I can speak Russian, Polish, Japanese, Wakadnain, German, Spanish and Greek." I listed

"So realistically you can speak 8 Languages and your what ten."

"I believe I am ten now you know foggy that is how birthdays work." I said

"Whatever kid here is your present." Said Foggy as he gave me three presents.

I opened them all and thanked them. They had given a book on fighting styles {Matt}, a movie called 'Red' {foggy} and my dad gave me a belt with a symbol on it, he then explains that his was my calling sign just like his was on his and it was an image of his mask.

Foggy , Matt and I walked into the kitchen when ....BANG. I saw my father in the kitchen with half a wall missing and his arm.

"What did you do?" I asked him

"I couldn't bake a cake so I frosted an bomb, it went off."

"Clearly Captain Asshat." I said to him


"Technically just a wall of said kitchen." said my father

I sighed and helped everyone clear up what is left of our kitchen.


"Good times but no It is not actually a bomb, Foggy made a cake that looked like one." Matt explained

"So eat up, we are taking you for out to a bar." Said Foggy as I smiled as I eat some cake

"Best 19th birthday ever."

"You only turn 19 once kid." Said my dad patting me on the head.

At the Bar:

We arrive at a bar called the 'Whinsterster'. And let's just say I ended up being the most sober on out of all my weird, whackdoodle family. One they way dragging the three drunken amigos home. A flash of blue light and swishing sound happened. I shut my eyes for a moment and the light dies down.

"Where the bloody hell in the universe did we land?" I heard someone's voice so I opened my eyes to see a green skinned lady with black and red hair, a walking tree , a talked raccoon and a grey skinned with no shirt on and read tattoos all over his skin.

"Where did you come from?" I asked causing of their attention to got to me with me dragging three people known as my two uncles and my father.

"I am sorry but could you tell me there the fuck me are?" said the raccoon but the lady with green skin scowled him.

"Rocket, play nice."

"Okay, I can tell that you guys defiantly don't come from Earth, okay so you guys are on earth to be more presiding in a city known as New York." I explained to them

Suddenly I heard the cops coming.

"Crap," I yelled

"You man with the red and grey skin come here and pick up these three idiot and before you go asking me what is going on all I can tell you is that if these people with the siren change us we all go into a big metal box, Let's go." I said Taking very fast as we made our way into the alley.

"Come one tree and the talking raccoon get on my back." I said

"Hold on buddy I ain't a Raccoon."

"Well if the cops get us you will become someone's dinner now get on." I said as he did with a sigh and so did the tree, I park cored up the wall as the grey man that was holding all of my family did the same thing and the green lady did.

"Follow me, the apartment isn't too far away, we can hid there for the night." I said as we when back to the apartment

"You guys can sleep in my room, I am going to put my dad and uncles into his room and I will sleep on the couch with bullet." I explained

"Bullet?" asked the green lady

I heard hissing coming from Rocket {The talking raccoon} and Bullet.

"That's bullet."

"Tell me if there is anything you need but right now I have just came back from a birthday party and I would like to sleep." I explained as I took off my boots and laid down

"Whose party?" asked the grey skinned man

"Mine." I said as I slowly fell asleep.

Sorry, I haven't updated in about a day, I was busy with ... {Life} I guess anyway, I would like to say in this book thank you to all the people that have been reading this book and to my forever growing number of followers. I thank you to my 81 followers you are all amazing.

-buckyfan1, out-

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