Chapter 15- The game

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Today was the day kitty and I were putting the plan into action. I was at her house at the moment and I we had just destroyed the recording device now kitty was going to get the implant out of my neck using her powers.

"This is going to be very painful stiles."

"Can't be that much pain, let's do it." I said as I took off my black shirt and kitty saw the words cut into my skin.

"What the fuck happened to you stiles?" asked Kitty

"A long ass story for another time." I told her

She sighed and began to take the implant out and god she was right it hurt like a mother fucker. I screamed in pain as she got it out. I was shaking like a left before I was able to get back in control of my body and stopped myself from shaking.

"You ready to do this?" she asked

I nod as she gave me two guns and a combat knife. I gave her the damaged collar which doesn't work so she can still use her powers.

"Let's do this." I said as we both made it to Mr Nutsake and Mr Lardass hellhole {apartment}.

"Are my sweet red, you finished your job, good you could do one thing right."

"Give us the girl, Red." Ordered Mr Nutsake

I smirked as I let out a crazy laugh.

"Not today Asshole." I said to Mr Nutsake shooting him in the head

"Look Lardass you will be able to see your both again." I said shooting him in the head before letting out a sigh and sniffed my gun.

"So good to be back." I grumbled to myself

"Stiles we have a problem come in here." Said Kitty from the living room area. I walk into the room to see a creepy man with glasses and a very square head on the TV.

"Greetings, Red and Shadow cat."

"How are you how do you know our names?" asked Kitty

"Miss Pryde you have been brought to our attention quite resonantly but you Red we have been following and tracking ever since your 1st encounter with the Asset known as the Winter solider." Said the person on the screen he was so familiar I didn't know were I knew him from until it hit me.

"Your doctor Zola."

"You were always smart them most people Red." Said Zola

"How do you know him?" asked Kitty to me

"He was the lead scientist for Hydra which was a rouge scientist division under the Nazi raisim." I explained to her as she looked at me surprised

"What I may not science but I know my history."

"You have two choses Red, being in yourself and Miss Pryde or be haunted down and brought in like animals." Said Doctor Zola

"Well if you knew me at all Doctor, you would know I love a good challenges."

"So be it." Said the doctor as I heard pull up outside the building.

"Let the game being." I said as I shoot the Tv and grabbed kitty

"We got to go." I said

"So why do he call you red?"

"Not the time cat." I said as I shot one of Zola's men

"Do you have a plan."

"Does a cat fly?" I asked

She gave me the death glare as we ran

"I have a plan don't die until I think of a better one, let's go." I said as we ran out of the apartment

"Do you have anyone that may be able to help us?"

I think as I pull us into an alley.

I could call my father but then he would probably steal a jet again and I don't need that much attention drawn to us. A Tank coming closer to us. Why the Fuck is there a tank after us. Thinking will have to want we need to fucking run. I growled in frustration as took off running again. We run into an office building the tank shot at the building when we were on th 16th floor making the building 45 degree angle. Not good, not good at all because the hole fucking building is glass

"STILES!" Kitty said as she almost fell out a window to the pavement under us which probably would have killed her.

I pulled her up and let out a huff of relief.

"Do you know a place we could hid?" I asked her

"Yes but it's in the countryside."

"Great, we are going to have to find a way out of the city." I told her

"The sewer system runs all the way to the edge of town."

I really hate sewers.

"Fine let's do it." I said as we made our way out of the office building

"There they are." Said an armed person

"Crap." I said as I stop the man and we took off running with Zola's men hot on our tail

I get shot in the shoulder.

"Fuck." I said out load as kitty pulled me along fast

We are a good distance a head of Zola's man, we find a man hole and down we go into the sewers.

"Are you okay?" Kitty asked

"I am fine for now, lets go." I told her

And off we went to countryside.


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