Chapter 3- 'Average'

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Bucky pov:

"Sargent Barnes, put him on ice." I heard the haunting voice of Zola

Suddenly I gasped as I sit straight up in my bed... I sighed in relief as I soon as I realised  I was in my room in Stark Tower.

'Just another nightmare.'

I suddenly smell something very sweet, I venture out of my room to the Kitchen to find stiles dance and singing to a song making pancakes.

"You are the dancing queen, Young and sweet, Only seventeen, Dancing queen, Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah, You can dance, You can jive, Having the time of your life, Ooh, see that girl, Watch that scene, Dig in the dancing queen."

Suddenly he turns around to see me and me looks like a deer caught in the end lights. 

"You saw nothing." he told we with a serious expression on his face 

I couldn't take him seriously tho, He was wearing a Red apron that said,' This is a manly apron, for a manly man, doing manly things with manly food.'

I burst out laughing, now that I think about it this was the first time since I was free of hydra that I had actually laughed.

"Ha ha, laugh it up, Bucky no pancakes for you." He said which made me pout

"Don't give me that look, fine you can have pancakes."

I put a small smile on my face as Stiles gave me a plate of pancakes and a cup of coffee.

Suddenly a half naked Mason, Natasha and Bruce walking into the room. A side note I met Mason when he was helping Bruce and Tony fix my arm. Then Tony came out of the lab. 

"Coffee." Tony groaned 

"So when were you three thinking to tell me your fuck buddies?" Stiles asked Mason

Tony and I spat out our coffee.

"What!??!?!" Tony exclaimed 

Natasha stares at Stiles.

"What if you wanted to keep it a secret then your room should be near mine Mason."Stiles 

"You know sometimes I really hate you."

"Nah you love me." said Stiles

"No I don't."

"Your right you love Nat and Bruce more." Stiles teased 

"Stiles, stop." order Steve who just got up.

"Fine, you always ruin my fun."

Suddenly Rocket the Racoon, came out and grabbed a pancake.

"Hey, Red Groot and I are leaving with Quill in a few."

"That's cool, just don't die in space." Stiles told him

"I am Groot." said the little talking tree

"Groot said no promises."

"Before we go, I need one more thing, this guys arm." the Racoon said pointing at my metal arm.

"No he doesn't," Quill yelled from the door way

"No I really need it quill."

"Rocket if you don't hurry up we are living you on Earth." said Quill

"Fine I am coming." Grumbled Rocket as he left with groot

Yep, just you 'Average' day at Stark Tower.

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