Chapter 13- The SHIELD Summary

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Steve had to land the plane with Hydra's weapon in the ice. This left Peggy in a mess... she missed him. Just as I missed Bucky... It's been about a month since we lost Steve and 3 months since I lost Bucky but they never did find his body after he fell from the train... I guess I am just holding onto false that he is still alive and he is out there somewhere. Howard, the General, Peggy and myself created Sheild with doctor Zola who soon after died in a terrible accident {I killed him and made it look like an accident but I have a feeling that wasn't the last I would see of the evil little doctor.}. The red skull was no more but the war and Hydra lived on. My rage tag time of people and the Howling Commandos joined together to form the Howling Forces which were under orders from Shield to help people and stop the war. And I become the leader of our team apparently it is what Steve and Bucky agreed upon before they, you know MIA/KIA. Honestly, don't know what shield stands for still and I was a founder which I find very ironic. Peggy and I have become very good friends and when I told her that I was really from the future she was very understanding and agreed if I was every MIA or KIA that she would destroy all images of me that way people won't remember it was me in the future... I would just be the mystery strange man who did a lot for his country but everyone only knows his name.  

This all happened in the course of a year. Anyway, let's start to go to what's happening at the moment. It was official 1945.

"Come on Red just one drink with the fellas then you can go back to planning the mission." said James 

"I will be there don't worry." I told him 

When Peggy comes in James {logan} made himself leave the room as if a bomb was about to be dropped on it.

"Do you have any plans after the war?" Peggy asked me

"Well if I don't find a way back to the future some pretty bad shit will be going down there, there was a war in New York when I was there and I owned a bar which was amazing, I would sing there and my friends would bartend and be the bouncers, I really miss them." I said with a sad smile on my face

"I am sure you will find a way back Stiles."

"Thanks Peggy... anyway I better go get this drink with the men right?" I said 

"I will join you then," Peggy said as she linked arms and off we went   

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