Chapter 18- The safe house

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  The Quinjet lands outside a large farmhouse and we all walk towards the house.  

" What is this place?" asked Thor

"A safe house?" said Tony

"Nope, this is Clint's farm."

"How do you know that"  asked Mason raising an eyebrow at me

"He may or may not have mentioned it when he gave me a ride to Kenina."

 We all enter the house.

"Honey, I'm home. " said Clint

Barton's heavily pregnant wife, Laura, walks in from the kitchen.

" Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." said Clint


"You must me Laura, very nice to meet you." I told her shaking my hand 

"I don't think Clint has told me about you or your friend behind you." said Laura

"I am Stiles but better known as Red and the person behind me is my good friend Mason Holland."

" This is an agent of some kind." asked Tony as I rolled my eyes

"Gentleman, this is Laura." 

" I know all your names." said Laura  

" Ooh, incoming. "

Barton's son  and daughter run in.

"OMG, Stiles they are so cute."

I looked at Mason.

"When did you learn those two words?" I asked him

"Your father."

"Of course." I said with a sigh

" Dad!"  said his daughter 

Barton picks up his daughter.

" I see her! Hey, buddy! How you guys doing? Ooh..."

" These are...smaller agents." said Tony as I elbowed him

" Look at your face! Oh, my goodness!"

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" asked his Daughter

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" said Natasha

"Auntie Nat who is the guy in the Red hoodie?"

"He is my other Nephew, his name is Stiles or Mischief, Lila." said Natasha as I walked over to them 

"Hi, I am Lila, I am going to be your cousin, why do you have two names?"

Before I could answer the question, Barton's son came up with her.

"Hi, I am Cooper."

"You can call me Stiles or Mischief." I told him with a smile

"Cooper, Stiles is going to be our cousin." 

"Really?" asked Cooper in surprise 

"If you want me that is," I told them 

"Yes." They said at the same time

"Okay, now to answer Lila question, those are nicknames because no one can say my real name."

"What is your real name?" asked Cooper

"Mysclaw Stilinski." 

"We're just going to call you Stiles." said Lila

"Yea," said Cooper

I then could hear Steve said, "Sorry for barging in on you."

"We would have called a head if we knew you existed," said Tony making me roll my eyes

"Are you two Avengers?" Cooper asked Mason and me

"No, we are just helping." Mason told them

"Do you two have powers?"

We both nod

"Can we see?" They asked

We looked to Laura as if to ask if it was okay, she simply nods.

"Mason here has the power on invisibility," I told them

 "Mason, would you like to demonstrate?"

Mason nods his head as he turns invisible.

"That is so cool," they said in amazement   

"What's you power Stiles."

"Well, I am part werewolf, so it's called the wolf gene." I told them

"Can you turn into a wolf?"

"I don't know, I never tried that." I told then truthfully 

"What powers did you get from the wolf gene?" asked Cooper

"Well I have super strength, speed, smell, eye sight and hearing as well as I grew fangs and my eyes turn into glow sticks."

"Can we see?" they asked

"You won't be scared?" I asked them as they shook their heads 

"Okay." I closed my whisky coloured eyes and when I open them again they are their copper blue, I opened my mouth to show them my fangs  before closing my eyes and turning back to normal before opening them again to the orginal whisky colour.

"That is so cool."

"Glad you liked the party trick." I told them with a smile

"So who is in your family Stiles?"

"Well I have, My adopted Father Wade and his husband Peter, Peter's Aunt May, My Uncles  Matt, Sam, Foggy and Colossus, My brothers Logan, Steve, Uriel and Mason , My aunts Kitty and Natasha and now my two cousins Lila and Cooper with my new aunt Laura and Uncle Clint."  I told them with a smile

"I thought Uriel and I were your sons." said Holland

"No, you older then we and that would be weird beside I see you both as my brothers now since we got back from nowhere.

"We have so much family now." said Cooper with big eyes

"Well family is the most important thing in the world and don't let anyone tell you differently," I told them with a smile 

"Stiles soon you will get a new cousin soon."

"Is that so does he or she have a name?" I asked 

"Nathanial Barton." 

"Well that is a lovely name." I told them knowing they were talking about Laura's child.

"Stiles come draw with us."

"Why no." I said with a smile as we watch SpongeBob and draw.

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