Afraid of the unknown

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"God Derek you scared me half to death!!!" I hit him in the shoulder.

"Oww sorry, but you hit me with that fireball thingy you can do. God that hurts." He complains

"How much of that." I point toward the hallway. "Did you hear?"

"All of it.... i wasn't spying or anything i was trying to find you then i heard you talking about being the prophecy and-"

"Did you know about the prophecy before?" 

"Yes did bu-"

"Does Julian know about me?"


"Then why did he freak at you and Logan when he found out i had no memory."

"Cause the less you know the better."

"I don't be live you."

"Believe what you want I'm telling you the truth." He says trying to get up.

I pull out a fire ball " Tell me truth." I push him back down with my other hand.

"Fine, there were rumors about there being a descendant Edgar besides your mother so Julian had someone investigate."


"So, they found you, they tracked down your mother and she said she had a daughter named Sarah."

"But my names Kayla so obviously she lied to protect me or she had another kid."

"No it was just you, the guy Julian hired we went to the hospital you were born and on the birth certificate it also said Sarah.

"So whats the problem?"

"He searched her house and found a note it said Sarah=K=Edgar."

"Sarah= Kayla?" I ask

"To you and your mom yes but anyone else its anonymous. After a few months Julian told him to give up. So he would just keep taking people with magical powers and if their named started with K and was in the others group. Then.."

"They had the prophecy." 


"But what i don't get is why they wont let the others in the battle so the prophecy wouldn't get to be in the battle and kill Edgar."

"No,no no you see the prophecy will kill Edgar in the battle, but the other people in the others group will not they are held captive because the others were created to go on Edgar's side its to risky but the prophecy was a way that Edgar wouldn't be truly immortal everything has a way it can die from only 1 thing too about 100 things."

I look at my hand still realizing theirs a fireball coming out of it so i make it disappear. I let him get up and were both just sitting on the floor.

"So since Judith might tell them I'm in the levitation group they wont suspect me?"

"Nope not as long as you don't pull out any fireballs in-front of them I think you'll be safe. And what do you mean she might tell them?"

"She said she never seen powers like mine until Edgar then she said the prophecy and she told me to get out and kicked me out the door."

"She wont tell she never does."

"First time for everything."

"Hey" He moves closer to me and i can feel butterflies in my stomach. "Everything will be ok. I promise." He says grinning.

"You know rumor has it she and the Julian....." he stops. then looks at me.

"What do you- Oh my god!!!! but he's so old and she's so pretty she can do much better than him!!."

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