A Years Worth

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I couldn't process what Brandon had just told me. Could i have been in a coma for a year? How much did i miss? Did i miss the battle? Do i still have my powers? Only one way to find out

I use my concentration and conjure up a purple fire ball. I have never been so happy to do that in the short time i knew i could make those. Brandon started to jump when i made one.

"Woah!!....ok i knew you would freak a bit but not like that!! Derek told me how much that hurts!! please don't-" I cut Brandon off

"I STILL HAVE MY POWERS!!!" I jump out of the bed to give him a hug.

"You definitely have your super strength" He says with a raspy voice

"Oh sorry!" I pull away "But wait did you say Derek. Is he here?" I look out the window into the hall but i don't see him. And Brandon looks uncomfortable.

"Ummmm yeah about that...." He looks down at the ground as i rest my back against the headboard of the bed.

When i didn't answer he continued

"Derek stopped coming to visit after 4 months he kinda just....gave up he lost all hope and just broke down."

"Oh my god...." I said almost in tears  "Did he..." i couldn't get the words out. The lump in my throat gets bigger and bigger with each moment of silence of Brandon not saying anything.


"Why do i feel like there a but coming on"

"Because there is.....Kayla....Its been a year....Keep in mind that alot can happen in that period of time."

"Ok" I say calmly and start to take out my IV.

"Wh-what are you doing?" He asks shocked.

"Leaving, I've been in here for year, i want to leave." 

"You just woke up for the first time in a year, there's a chance you could go back into that coma!" He yells grabbing on to my shoulders when i stand.

"I'll be fine, the reason i went into the coma is because i was reading yours and Derek's mind at the same time, and i used to much of my powers all at once, as long as i be careful ill be fine." I say trying to convince him I'm alright. But how can i convince him when I'm not even sure?

"How do you know that's the reason?" He asks folding his arms across his chest.

"How else could i have slipped into a coma, and the doctors don't know what caused it?" I ask imitating Brandon by folding my arms against my chest.

"Well......you......it........" He sighs, rolling his eyes. "Lets go." 

"Yes!!.....were are we going exactly?" I ask

"To see Derek." Brandon says calmly

"Wh-what?" Why would he bring me to the person who gave up on me?

"Derek will want to know that your awake." He says calmly, a little to calmly for my liking.

"Why? he gave up on me, why would he want to know?" I said harshly.

Brandon looks down at his feet then back at me debating on what he should say.

"I know he gave up on you, but he didn't think that you would wake up, he moved on." He says gently

Hearing those words, pierce my chest and straight into my heart. 

"You didn't." I fire back, and step forward. There is only a few inches between us.

"I would have waited 5 years for you Kayla, i couldn't have just moved on, it was impossible for me." He smiles, and all the sadness from Derek had just left and replaced by Brandon's heartfelt words which make me smile too.

"I'm glad you didn't move on." I say and mean it.

We just spend 10 minutes just staring at each other before it becomes a little but awkward.

"We should go to Derek now." He says and leads me out of the hospital with his arm around my waist.


We go to the 13th floor, and Derek is in Julian's office. As soon i walk through the doors all the oxygen leaves my lungs, I'm struggling to breathe. All i can see is the memory of Derek, holding my hand crying telling me to wake up. Derek looks up and his eyes are full of shock and sadness. He blinks a few times to make sure this is real

"Kayla?" He asks shocked taking a few steps toward me.

"Hi" I all i can manage to say.

Thankfully Brandon speaks up.

"I'm going to get something to eat. You guys want anything?" He asks and me and Derek just look at him.

"Alright then." Brandon says and walks out of the room, into the elevator.

It's just me and Derek, not saying a word. When its getting really uncomfortable i decided to speak up.

"Derek I-" He steps forward and closes the space between us, and places his lips on mine. I was shocked but i kissed him back. The kiss was hungry and full of desperation. Just 20 minutes ago Brandon told me that Derek had given up on me, If i would have known 5 minutes ago he would have kissed me i would have smacked him. Did Brandon lie to get Derek out the picture? 

I pull back from the kiss, gasping for air, and Derek does the same.

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?" He asks confused

"That you gave up on me? That you moved on with your life?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"Well i would have say moved on with my life hehe." His smile fades when he meets my eyes.

"Yes, I did give up on you, but look at it from my perspective." He says grabbing my shoulders. "I thought you were never going to wake up, for months they tried everything. but nothing worked. I was there for you but i gave up because the doctors said there was nothing else they could do that you would never wake up again!"

"Well obviously that's not true because I'm here now!" I yell. Brandon was right, he had given up on me.

"It was 4 months Kayla, they said that all hope was lost. It took six more months for you to wake up!" He yells back throwing his hands in the air. He furious i can tell, but he doesn't have the right to be, i do. I cant believe he acting like the victim in all this.

"Well that was six more months than you thought it would it take for me to wake up!" I snap back.

Then i realize were basically screaming at each other. I look around and realize that were in Julian's office.

I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down i don't want to get all worked and go back into that coma again.

"Why are you in Julian'soffice?" I ask and Derek looks confused.

"Brandon didn't tell you." He says putting his palm against his forehead.

"Tell me what?" I ask nervously

"I took Julian's place as boss."

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